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Maybe if we stopped looking at countries
and changed out perspective
then we'd see that we're all from the same planet
But just live in different places
our little-big "towns"

Because the best thing about a colouring book
is all the colours
White, blue, black and yellow
And without a colour, the picture would not be complete

And the best thing about a rainbow
is not the treasure at the end
but the colours uniting when the war begins between the sun and the rain
and that's what makes all the difference

and it's our strength, but also our weakness
I went through a poetry block for a little, but these recent evets have helped me a lot and inspired me
Robert D May 2020
All races joining together
To help protect the weak
Voices and cries of outrage
For respect is what we seek

Violence leads to more violence
While cooler tempers try to speak
The words falling on deaf ears
For respect is what we seek

Pay no mind to our skin color
If you do our future is bleak
We are all of God's children
For respect is what we seek

We need to rise above this madness
The protests need to be heard
Senseless killings need to stop
Respect and justice is what we ALL deserve

— The End —