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Skyler M Jan 21
Fight this ingrown nail,
Sinking into congressional flesh,
Infected to the bone,
America, the free for the bourgeoisie,

America, the free for the bourgeoisie,

America, the free for the bourgeoisie,

America the free,
Oh baby!
America the free,
My lady!
Well maybe,
We're crazy,
Oh baby!
America, the free for the bourgeoisie,

America, the free for the bourgeoisie,

America, the free for the bourgeoisie.

There will come a time,
You'll realize the nail,
That is still ingrown,
Has cut a divide,
Between the ultra-rich,
And the ***** low class.
Maybe then, you'll begin,
Begin to think: America,
The free for the bourgeoisie,

America, the free for the bourgeoisie,

America, the free for the bourgeoisie.
We'll find an avenue to educate.
The Trumpoet Nov 2017
Behold the right-wing evangelicals.
A boisterous, worshipping horde.
Waving their Bibles and shouting out praise.
Personal friends with the Lord!

Have they read the Bible? Do they understand
the words and message within?
I'd have to say no, for they support Trump -
A ****** example of sin!

Does Trump follow Christ? Does he help the sick?
Does he sacrifice for the poor?
Is he on the side of the marginalized?
Does he do all he can to end war?

Does Trump preach forgiveness? Is he full of love?
Would he never cast the first stone?
Is he kind? Is he humble and gentle and wise?
His failings and sins does he own?

And yet all of these Christians who claim to be godly,
will give it all up in a flash.
To parrot Trump's hateful, divisive World view,
and shower him with praise and their cash!

On Old Testament tribalist hatred,
evangelicals strongly agree,
but to bolster their dogma, they've taken the Christ
and removed him from Christianity.

As a child, I was brought up religious,
but I soon learned it wasn't for me;
For when I see religious folks worshipping Trump,
I see nothing... but hypocrisy.
You can also see this and my other Trumpoems performed at:
Written: November 4, 2017

— The End —