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Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Poetry is like fishing:
You cast your thoughts,
Onto your inspiration,
And hopefully something,
Will bite.
Written 20 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
You can't cure true love;
You can only amputate it.
Written 19 March 2016... that's why I'm an amputee
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Spinning a web, spinning a story,
Spinning a plate, spinning a yarn,
Spinning a lie, spinning a tale,
Spinning out of control, and I'm loving it.

Spin with me, spin and twirl,
Spin in circles, spin beautiful girl,
Spin and swirl, spin in joy,
Spinning round, spinning is fun!
Written 19 March 2016... forgot I added to this poem
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
This small empty bed
I miss you against my flesh
Sleeping alone, sad
Written 18 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
I remember the giddiness I had as a small child;
All the world was a grand adventure!
Pirates sailed the seas,
Monsters hid in your closet,
The moon was just a cardboard box away!

Life was so much simpler,
The whole morning revolved around,
Spongebob and Tom & Jerry,
The afternoon was time to play,
Evening was all about what dessert we would have,
Nighttime we would get stories of dragons and knights and princesses.

Each color through a child's eyes is vivid and awesome.
They see the world through a kaleidoscope,
And laugh in the most beautiful ways.

I would love to be a child once again,
And fly with the dinosaurs,
To the moon.
Written 18 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Creative writing
In spring's early morning mists
Is a grand blessing
Written 18 March 2016... why are most of my haikus about the morning.
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
What would you tell me if you knew the greatest gift you ever received, you didn't know I gave it?

What would you do if the greatest sacrifice I made for you went behind your back unnoticed?

You forgot that you told me that very important thing.

I never forgot it,
But I let it go,
So you can,
Be happy.

Maybe if you knew you'd be happier than if you didn't know.
I can't tell.
But it's not worth the price if I'm wrong.

It keeps me up late at night,
Knowing that you don't know;
You don't know what you said,
You don't know what I did for you.

Maybe one day you'll know.
There's already a letter to be opened,
Upon my death.
If I die before you,
You'll know.

And your heart will break.
Written 18 March 2016... turns out she didn't care... ****, that hurt.
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Screaming until I bleed,
Screaming until I lose hearing.

Bleeding until I die,
Bleeding until I stop this pain.

Dying so I won't hurt,
Dying didn't solve the problem.
Written 18 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Just a stupid tribute to my favorite candy!*

So many wonderful colors,
Forty-eight different flavors,
It's my favorite candy treat,
A whole jar full of them,
Makes me smile like the sun,
Every piece is so tasty,
So many flavor explosions in my mouth!
Written 18 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
My heart's been broken too long,
I should let go of it.
Written 17 March 2016... so glad I held on...
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