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Big Virge Sep 2014
I was sitting ... one night ...
on an ... Underground Train
having been … in town ...
doing the … Same ol' Same …  

Reciting words ….
That … sometimes … HURT … !!!!!

But …. saw some things
that did …. " Concern " …. !!!!!

Some peoples' … " Faces "
are in ….. " Places " …...

Not … TOO NICE … !!!!!!

Some were looking …
So …. " UPTIGHT " ….
That … " Freddy " …
would have … got a …

….. FRIGHT ….. !!!!!!!

and this is … why ...
I … Had To Write …
This Piece of … Poetry …
and share … The Vibe …

Some faces showed

……… " Pain " ………

and … Much Disdain … !!!!!

" Others " … showed ...

Yes …
These ... were faces ...
on the … Train … !!! …

I guess … they just …
" Reflect " ... The Times …
Much like … My Rhymes …

See …..
Things like … THIS ...
Help me … " Design " ...
Prose … that's built …
Inside … " My Mind " …

It's funny … how ...
A Face … Displays …
SO MANY … Things …
when on … A Train …

or … Anywhere … !!!!!
from … here to … there ...

But ….
Peak from ……………... Far … !!!
and … Don't You … STARE … !!!!

because … this can make
Some People ... "scared" … !!!
and ... May Result …
in … " Nasty Glares " … !!!!!

Days now …
Seem … Loooooonnnnnggggggg … !!!!!!

and just … Drag onnnnnnnnn … !!!!!!

Unless you're … RICH … !!!!!
and …. " Do Not Sit " ….
on … A Train ...
for ... Hours A Day ... !!!!!!!

Thats … " The Way " ...
Most Live … Today …

and makes … some faces …
display …. " PAIN " …. !!!!!!!!!!!!

Some Now …
Look … STRAINED … !!!!!
and look … So Drained …
and show that … Life ...
is … NOT ... A Game … !!!!!

" Some " …...
….. looked like …...
they were … " Delayed " … !!!

That's ... nothing new
on … London Trains … !!!!!

Even …. " Nice Faces " …
looked … REALLY STRESSED … !!?!!

Make up … Can't Hide ...
When you're … " Depressed " … !!!

I'm saying … MAN ...
What's happening … ?!?

A … Smiling Face ...
seems …. out of place … ?!?

The Young …
Look … Old … !!!
while … THEY …
seem … STUNNED …
by youth who … act …
like … when they glare ...
Old Folk should … RUN … !!!!!

Riding trains …
is NOT ... much fun … !!!

when peoples' looks ...
Resemble … GUNS … !!?!!

"Filled" ... with bullets …
" Cocked " … to shoot … !!!

It's as if you're in …
A … " Human Zoo " … !!!

Emotions … "caged" ...
and filled with … RAGE … !!!

" Reflected " … on ...
This …. Very Page ….

I … Never thought … !!!
A Face ... could sort …
" Mental Visions " ...
Through ... Such Diction … !!!

Trust me folks
those words … AREN'T …  

…….. " Fiction " …….. !!!!!

" Look for " … YOURSELVES …

But …
Look with … STEALTH … !!!

because ... as i've said …
Some Faces … tell …
A story that ….
could  … " HARM " ... your health … !!!!!

But then … " Some Faces " ...
aren't …. So Wild ….
and are … " Less Vile " ...
and Less … " Sterile " …

I'm talking of ….
those of a … " child "

whose face displays
a … " CAREFREE " … way … !!!

A face of … LIGHT …
and … " Sunny Days " …  !!!!!!!!!!!

A … " Late Night Train " …

One who's yet
to suffer … pain …
and has a life
that's … REALLY GREAT … !!!!!

Well ……..

" GOOD FOR THEM !!! " ….

is what I say … !!!!!

That's how it was …
in my … " Young Days " …

Well folks … that's how …
My Journey … went …

" Faces " ... made …
me use … my pen …
to write on things
I saw … in … Them …

" THIS " ….
all happened …
after …. Ten ….
One Tuesday Night …
on my … " Train Ride " …

A Journey … "FILLED" …
with … " Different Sights " …

but also … SMILES … !!!!!

That made … the journey
seem … " Worthwhile " … !!!!!

and that's … the way …
I'll let this …. END ….

Trains have taken …
me to … " Places " …

But ….

NOT … As Many …
as peoples' ….

….. " Faces " .....
It literally was, as written, the visions and sights of my late night train ride !!!

— The End —