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Jacob Giggey Mar 2015
To you.
Wherever you are,
whenever you read this,
know that it's just for you.
You're sad,
you're angry,
and hurt.
Confused and frustrated
doesn't even begin to explain
the inner pain.
But I know.
I do.
I've been where you are,
I've felt that hurt,
I've cried those tears,
I've screamed those words.
I've torn myself apart,
down to little shreds,
drowning and dreading,
ready to give up.
Because, here's the thing.
I know it's familiar,
I know you're used to it.
I know you think you're at the end.
But you're not.
Take a deep breath with me,
and feel the truth of my words.
You. Are. Loved.
You are Not alone in this.
I swear,
and I wish I could stress it more,
if no one else is there,
know that I am.
I am here.
Telling you how beautiful and deserving of life you are.
Because it's true.
You're so much braver than you know.
You have so much to offer this world.
There absolutely is a purpose for you.
That purpose is not and never will be,
for you to end your own life.
I know that because I am here today.
These words I'm telling you,
they aren't just pulled out of the air.
I'm telling you this,
because I can,
because someone cared.
I'm telling you this,
on purpose,
so that you remember,
and trust,
that you are loved and not alone.
Please, Please don't forget that.
Not really written with a rhymey-poetry style, but still heartfelt nonetheless. Please talk to someone, I did.

— The End —