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Darlene Chavez Oct 2015
Don't worry Dear
I'm right here
You can cry
I'll dry your eye

I'll be here through thick and thin
and love you till my chest caves in
Even though you're not always near
I keep you in my heart dear
Darlene Chavez Oct 2015
If you're hitting rock bottom
There is something you need to know
I'll be here for you
Even when you're feeling low
Because baby
You don't have to fight this war alone

You have me
I just want to make you happy
As happy as can be
Baby you'll always have me
I love you
Darlene Chavez Sep 2015
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me smile
When I am down
You make me laugh
when I am say
You wipe my tears away
every day
Darlene Chavez Sep 2015
She's a girl
she cries
she's wanted to die
but she's strong
and she's beautiful
and she's wanted
he wants her
to live to smile and most importantly
to want him back
and she does
she always will
even after she takes her last breath
she loves you
with everything she has
keep her
hold her
she was once broken
and she needs you to fix her
put her pieces
back together
and seal them there
with your love

— The End —