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Jude Quinn May 2019
The sky in Mexico City is gray
cause the blue is rooted in the hearts of its citizens.
Here it's so easy to feel alone in public.

Sitting in subway cars
full to the brim with people,
dreaming with emptiness.

I thought I saw you
sitting in front of me,
but that was just some illusion
I caught
when the lights of the station
flashed on my eyes.
Janelle Mainly Sep 2017
A new age is arising,
a new page is unfolding,
and there's always been a spark,
now it's time to make your mark.

It's all about action! No distractions anymore!

In the kindness of your heart,
in the yearning of your soul,
tragedy is bound, to always take it's toll.

But it's all about actions, no distractions anymore!
Picking up the pieces after a natural disaster.
A Lopez Jul 2015
Mexico city:
The metropolis of my mexicana heritage: Nirvana of the country.
Growing up here from the young innocence of a little girl
To seeing my cousin only being ten year's old
Shot and her innocence taken at only such a young time.
It showed me men's innocence: as you can say it showed me
Their difference.
Though we have no difference
The only difference isn't blood or ones thoughts.
We all think alike
Some crazier than other's.
The separation is love and hate
And you have to know how to separate the two,
Or you can be stuck in the middle to both love and hate.
One outdoes the other:
I'll stick to the loving path
Because you got to have an even balance
Or the scale will tip.

— The End —