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DeidaraSenpai Jul 2014
Little Italy
Im sorry,
I'll never see you again...
Little Italy
Im sorry,
I'll never see you again...
War calls me on...
Little Italy
I'm sorry,
     I hoped I'd see you again...
                      But my life had to come to an end...
                                                                             I am fading...

Cant you see who I am?
Ive always been so close to you the whole time....
Cant you see who I am?
That ally, coach, and captain
Cant you see who I am?
Who always told you to stop flapping that white flag
Cant you see who I am?
Your Germany
I little thing i wrote because im a crazy shipper of ChibitaliaXHRE <3 i dunno we had to write poems in my english class.. i wrote this.. and i decided to type it up >.< :3

— The End —