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brandon nagley Sep 2015

Tɦɨtɦɛʀ tɦɛ ɛɨɢɦtɦ աօռɖɛʀ օʄ tɦɛ աօʀʟɖ
Oռ tɦɛ ċօastʟɨռɛ օʄ tɦɛ Paʟaաaռ;
Tօօʟ's sɨʍɨʟaʀ tօ tɦɛ Kaʟɨʍaռtaռ
A sɛċʟʊɖɛɖ ɨsʟaռɖ tɦat քatɨɛռtʟʏ sʟɛɛքɛtɦ.


Mɛ aռɖ ʍɨռɛ sօʋɛʀɛɨɢռ ċʀɛɛքɛtɦ
Wɦɨʟst ċʟօsɛʟʏ աɛ ċօռռɛċt;
Saռɖaʟ's օռ օʊʀռ tɨʀɛɖ ʄɛɛt
Tɦɛ աɨʟɖ ɨs stʀaɨɢɦt aռɖ ɖɨʀɛċt.


Tɦɛ աastɛʟaռɖ ɨs sʊʀʀօʊռɖɨռɢ ʊs
Wɦɨʟst tɦɛ ċʀɛatʊʀɛ's sċʊʀʀʏ aռɖ աatċɦ;
A ɮaռզʊɛtɨռɢ ɨռ tɦɛ ɖaʀҡɛռɛɖ tɦɨċҡɛt
Tɦɛ քʟaċɛ օʄ tɦɛ Nɛɢʀɨtօ's aռɖ aɛta, tɦɛ sʊռ ɮʟaʐɛɖ ɦօt.


Tɦɛ ʟɨttʟɛ ʍɛռ ċօʍɛtɦ օʊt
Daʀҡ sҡɨռռɛɖ, aռɖ ċʊʀʟʏ ɦaɨʀ;
Mɨռɛ ʀɛʏռa ɨs taռ
Mɨռɛsɛʟʄ Eʊʀօքɛaռ stʏʟɛɖ, sҡɨռ ʄaɨʀ.


As tɨs tɦɛʏ sɦօաɛtɦ ʊs, tɦɛɨʀ աaʏs օʄ ʟɨʄɛ
Tɦɛ ʍɛɖɨċɨռɛ ʍaռ ɮʟɛssɛɖ ʊs, ʍɨռɛ ɛʍքʀɛss, ʍɨռɛ աɨʄɛ;
As tɦɨs ɖaʏ, ʍɛ aռɖ ʍɨռɛ aʍօʊʀ' sɦaʟt ռɛʋɛʀ ʄօʀɢɛt
Oռ a tɦʀօռɛ աɛ sat, ɨռ tɦɛ ҡɨռɢɖօʍ օʄ քaɢ-ɨɮɨɢ.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedication \filipino rose
Title is the kingdom of pag-ibig.... Pag-ibig means love Filipino tongue...
Poem goes like this for you who dont know....if can't read...


Thither the eighth wonder of the world
On the coastline of the palawan;
Tool's similar to the Kalimantan
A secluded island that patiently sleepeth.


Me and mine sovereign creepeth
Whilst closely we connect;
Sandal's on ourn wild feet
The wild is straight and direct.


The wasteland is surrounding us
Whilst the creature's scurry and watch;
A banqueting in the darkened thicket
The place of the negrito's and aeta, the sun blazed hot.


The little men cometh out
Dark skinned, and curly hair;
Mine reyna is tan
Mineself European styled, skin fair.


As tis they showeth us, their way's of life
The medicine man blessed us, mine empress, mine wife;
As this day, me and mine amour' shalt never forget
On a throne we sat, in the kingdom of pag-ibig.

Its thought and known the earliest ancestor's lived on the Paʟaաaռ which is an island in Philippine's that's what Palawan is,,, which ancient Asians lived there 40,000 years ago as tools that derived from Indonesia Were found on Palawan ...

Thither means to or toward that place,,
Kaʟɨʍaռtaռ is place in Indonesia that had tools like place in Philippines..
Eighth wonder of world also known as Banaue Rice Terraces - mountain terraces that are beautiful.
When I say place of,negritos and aeta these are oldest tribes in phillipines....

— The End —