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Shadows of Night Feb 2016
Things will one day get hard,
But you don't always need to be on your guard,
For let me remind you about flowers in spring,
I'll show you a world about birds on wing,
Where freedom is something to hold,
Similar to the buttercup gold.

Let me remind you about flowers in spring,
Where even the roses hold their sting,
Tulips red and green,
Standing in the wind regal like a queen,
A bright and beautiful season,
Yet something is without reason.

Not everything you see is without flaw,
They find your weakness and claw,
You'll become different and broken,
With words heavy and unspoken,
I'll be here for you if you should cry,
I'll sing you a sweet lullaby.

For let me remind you about flowers in spring.
What is 'death'?
The stopping of a heart?
The loss of activity in the brain?
Just the plain disappearance of something?

Or is it the last time someone's name is spoken
from the mouth of their last lover?
Maybe it's the first time their peers
stop noticing the absence of their friend's voice.

Death is defined as:
"The termination of all biological functions that sustain a living organism."

But death is so much more than the biology involved.
It is the end of that person's thoughts, emotions, and doings.
It is the end of every relationship that person has ever had.

Death is the loss of a partner, a friend, or classmate.
It is the absence of a smile, voice, or joke that they always told.

It is a totaled car followed by an officer at the neighbor's house.
It's and old man who brings flowers to the cemetery
on every 3rd Sunday of every month.

It's the feeling you get when you no longer feel like a child
and feel the weight of the earth on your shoulders.

Death, is the loss of a little girls innocence
and the slaughtering of her pride in herself.

It's realizing that the last time you hugged your friend, partner, or mother, that it was the very last time.

Death is not just something that happens and is forgotten about.
It is something that is carried and felt.

It's something that means so much than just the organs, flesh and bones. The word itself strikes fear and discomfort in those around to hear it.

Death, is unavoidable
and whether it happens to you, or those who surround you,
it isn't something you can run from.

If anything, death is something to expect and embrace.
Death can happen at any moment to anyone, anywhere.

Whether it be an accident, a freak mishap, or a purposeful act,
Death is the end of this winding rode we drive on
and our cars are always on 'E'.

Every risky road uses more gas but in turn can help you find more.

But no car can drive forever.
This is an informational piece on my definition of the word 'Death'

— The End —