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Cabbage Mar 2018
It was heard in every place
The tragic loss of a man of thought,
A researcher of time and space,
A down to earth astronaut.

But he wasn’t “down to earth”,
Instead he was quite the opposite
Incredible ideas and theories
A creativity that would never quit
He’d stand on the shoulders of giants
He stands even though he sits.

He’s Superman in a floating space station
And though he lost at quantum chess,
His ideas are heard in every nation
Of a great man, you would expect no less.

So how do we cope you may ask?
How does one recover in a world so weary,
Well surprisingly enough he gave us the answer.
It’s his Hawking Radiation Theory.

Hawking radiation weakens a black hole
But this is more than just celestial entities.
It can describe coping as a whole.
Or instead coping as a hole, you see.
Like his theory, grief diminishes over time.
We learn to move on and remember.
We write the legacy he built in his prime.
And we make a flame from the dying ember.
A flame!
A beacon!
To light the future and radiate through all of creation.
Radiate through all of time!
Now that’s Hawking Radiation.
Stephen Hawking was a man who defied all forces who tried to stop him, including himself! He showed the true potential that people can have and he is one of the reasons why I plan to study Mechanical/Aerospace Engineering. So that I can work with a space agency and live my dream of aiding in research regarding space.  His death was one of the most shocking things I have heard in my life and it spurred me to write this in memory of Stephen William Hawking.
Talarah Shepherd May 2014
Where did you read what you heard?
To be truth or may be slow lowered
fringe word from a deceitful and purple sinking sun?
Mirroring my hurt just as a dream would
turn nightmare. Will you please join with me?
For you, black, far and fleeting figure
would I break my legs to injure
my flesh all to have you back but I've become the air

in my push to remain Earthly me.

Ghosts won't curse time
as you soon won't find
substance clearly soul.
I embrace this
clear fated descent
as my hands that I've tied
close while evolution unfolds.

— The End —