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Jennifer West Jul 2019
Please do insult me
To the best of your ability
For I can promise you that
To me your words are empty

Please do gawp
Everytime I walk past
I can assure you that
My style is one to last

Please do make an enemy
Out of me if you will
For I've been looking for
Someone to give me a thrill.
Emily Marie Aug 2014
Your "treatment of me is not a direct reflection of my value as a human being", so what is it?
Maybe it's because you're surrounded by people and still feel alone.
But it's probably because of your daddy issues.
You've forgotten what it was like to be respected by a man, so you went searching to fill the gaps;
But all you found were empty promises.
You got tempted along the way and somewhere you lost your self-esteem;
Self-Respect turned into Self-Hate, and your bitterness grew bigger and bigger.
You're losing more and more each day,
but you lost your innocence a long time ago so its okay.
Your daddy used to tell you that Respect was love;
But somewhere along the way you tried to replace it.
You confused yourself by thinking that Love was respect.
You've lost all respect for yourself,
and tried to tear me down so I'd take myself down too,
And I'm glad to say that I may be a stranger to love,
But I know respect.

So I'm here to tell you that you don't need a man to give you respect,
as long as you love yourself.
Not the kind of love you buy on a street corner,
or find in your bed,
But the kind that you feel in your heart,
and know in your head.
*Quote from John Green*

First attempt at spoken word poetry. First poem ever, right here. There's a girl at school who walks around like she's better than every one and she's not afraid to let you know it, and she bullied me alot through junior high and elementary school. This is my response to her.

— The End —