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maeve Feb 21
I remember...
I remember the fights
The bad times
Me being away
You being away
Me crying my heart out in the shower
You being distant
Me behaving like a total *******
You behaving like a total *******
You being jealous
Me being jealous
Us being mad at each other
Us not talking
You screaming and me crying (again)
But I also remember..
I also remember the laughs
The good times
Me next to you, in your arms
You holding me
You telling me that you love me
Us late night talking on the phone
Us hugging
Us doing everything together
Us cuddling on the couch
Us dancing and stumbling over our feet
You waiting for me because my feet hurt while hiking
You kissing my head
Me telling you that you looked really good in that tshirt
You telling me that I looked beautiful
Me saying that I'd die if I ever lost you
You telling me that I'd never lose you, no matter what
But I did
There is no 'Us' anymore
There is just Me and You
Me crying every night in my bed
Me crying in the shower
Me crying while going through our texts
Me crying while listening to your old voice mails
Me crying when I think about you
Me crying because there was no you anymore one day, there was just me
You ignoring me
You cutting me off and ghosting me
You not talking to me
You laughing at me and rolling your eyes when I said something in class
Us not being friends anymore
Us breaking apart
i miss you
Lucas Grant Oct 2024
Such was blue sea under black sky
Crescent in today's time
14 to 1 was the black rose I gifted
But that poison was mislead and never intended
The pain struck an arterie but my bullets always come back around
Maybe that's why I suffer for so much longer or at least that's what I'm told
Now I'm starved of oxygen such was my deprivation of friends
I couldn't escape so instead I made an exit through the whole in your heart and took out those by your side
This sadness is Unrequited for I made a villain out of me
It's a shame to say that I did break so now I cry silently because I lack the luxury to be free such like the one you write
The inescapable fait I now understand so well you a writer foreshadowing my failure and ultimate demise
I was a poet who chose battles so my death was no surprise
I fell out with a friend and at the start of the year they had written a poem which when scrolling through my camera roll I found and edited as though a response. I guess in a way though it's not complete but just wanted to share x
Andrea Cruz Mar 2021
I’m speechless.

You knew me better than anyone,
The damage is done,
A skeleton is all that remains of our broken bond,
It’s been a long time and I struggle to move on,
You knew my heart and who I wanted to be,
Inside jokes that we’d recite on the daily,
Dreaming about our futures and babies,
Sleepovers at my place,
Memories that I’ve scratched out and erased,
We talked about being maid of honors at each other’s weddings,
But that’s not where we were heading,

I come across old pictures sometimes,
Although we’ve drifted apart,
Those are moments frozen in time,
Even when the people in them change inside
Even when the smiles have faded away,
They’ll always stay in place

I wanted to help you,
Everything I did for you was because I wanted to,
I just wanted you to be happy too,
We made sure the bill was paid,
We made sure you got home okay,
Before we drove away
Treated you like family
But maybe that wasn’t enough,
At the end of it all,
Ashes and dust

When you succeeded,
I was on the sidelines cheering for you,
When it was my turn in the driver's seat,
You were the first one to kick your feet,
When I had some of the best nights of my life,
You made me feel like they weren’t worth your time
To express my happiness,
I was on cloud nine,
But other things were on your mind,
Uninvited ignited a spark in you,
Words lashed out online,
Threw a fork in my spine

Confrontation was a root canal,
Tiptoeing around potholes in the ground,
The humiliation started getting too loud,
But there you were turning up the sound,
For my interests I wasn’t allowed to be proud,
I loosened my grip for what was coming around

There we stood,
Facing one another,
Realizing this was the last time we would talk to each other
Nothing more left to be said,
But now I found the words to express how much it hurt.

I was angry for a long time,
Pain and malice in the words I wrote,
In the way that I spoke
Three years time I’ve grown,
Understanding now that we needed to break apart
In order to evolve into our own

I know we both had our faults,
Bottle up my brokenness,
Store it in a vault,
I’m sorry for the ways I hurt you,
It was never my intention to,
I’m sorry if I’m not what you needed at that time,
Maybe it wasn’t my place
To try and change your piece of mind,
I just wanted to show you the light,
But I understand you took control of your own life,
Did what you felt was right,
With that,
You became who you said you’d never be,
And that was hard for me to digest,
I just wanted the best for you,
But I also had to do what was best for me too,
So i let you go-

I hope you’re alright
wherever you are in life,
If you’re stuck in the dark,
I promise you’ll find the light,
Although things are different,
My heart remains the same,
I hope you still write and use your lyrical flame,
If you ever needed me,
I’m always just one call away.
sara natasha Feb 2021
My ceiling is getting too familiar
My pillow is getting wet
The tears are shedding
Faster than my thoughts
The hurt inside of me is fresh
The feelings inside of me are running
How can some people be so mean?
How can they have no regret,
After doing such a despicable deed
Sometimes this makes me wonder
If they were real in the first place
“Et tu Brute” was Caesar's last words
When the realization struck him
The betrayal of a best friend
Hurts more than anything
“How?” I try to understand
How can someone who is so close
Stab you in the back
Or worse,
They stab you in the face
In front of your own eyes
This makes me confused
What should i do with all the memories?
All the good times,and fun moments
They were so genuine, so real
So why,
Did I deserve this?
Friends are supposed to be there for you
When you feel down and sad
But if even our best friends can’t do this
Then who can we trust?
I realize now that there are other fish
in the vast sea of friends
I caught  bad fish, that’s all
Now I am a more experienced fisherman
I know how to spot a bad friend
Of course i will still cry about my old
The ones who i trusted
But betrayed my trust
The ones who abandoned me
In my worst of times
When I felt insecure and lacked
When I really could’ve used them most
The pain will always be there
And that’s okay
I will never move past them
But at least I will try
I’ll paste a smile on my hurt face
I will pretend that nothing ever
Now I wipe away my tears
along with all my sorrow
I close my eyes
Along with all the past memories
I will try to forgive and forget
Tomorrow is a new day
The sun will rise once again
Tomorrow will be a perfect day to go
it hurts

— The End —