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Ronney Aug 2022
For all that I am aches.
For all I must forsake.
It is the unfortunate. Destined fate.
The final moment, we do not wake.
When the time comes, you will break.
When the time comes, let go of keepsake.
When the time comes, rebuild and remake.
Knowing you go on gives peace in mind.
Knowing you will be strong keeps my spirit alive.
If these are my last words to be made known.
Let it be known I am overcome in an abundance of love.
Let be known that the abundance of Love I return.
For eternity x infinity.
In experiencing and witnessing the passing of loved ones iv been prompted to think on the things that I would want for my family/friends to know in the final hours.

In working as a Nurse Iv seen many deaths and the heartache that happens from all sides. There is the pain in letting go. There is the suffering when you refuse to and also when you finally do. Sometimes when its time you will know.

But, in those final moments what I most often see is that from each side (That of the person dying and those experiencing the loss) each find comfort in being there for one another and witnessing that one is not alone, that the other will be in peace and the other taken care of.
Descovia Feb 2021
If I am honest, I would not know where to begin.

I fly by the seat and pray for a soft landing.

Life can be rough, I'm pretty tough
Hit or miss, all I seek is my best first kiss..

Tough being me ha

It's tough being me. This is why I never pretend.  Can't say I have been holy, in a world full of sin.

I know what's it like to be without joy.  So, this why my undying love reaches in volumes which never ends.

Flying by the seat
My eyes replay
All of my memories
Graphic in the form of movies on repeat.

Plummeting down faster than the speed of sound
Remembering grace will embrace me after
my crash-landing, just wish I was in a more stable place.

Where we were able to sit down and talk.
I would bribe the world for more
than just borrowed time
Our words might fly off course, clash and collide
Patience never mixed well with pride
What could have been everlasting
Was forgotten and abandoned.
Even at gunpoint, never would I place you
In a position to be perplexed or stranded.
Throwing myself against the wall
Because I rather take hurt, before seeing you fall
will you still make effort to have an understanding?

Moments before the impact
Remembering it was too late
To turn back (time)
What more can I say?
It's not easy being me.

Miss & Descovia

— The End —