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RazanSidErani May 2016
There was thunder and there were black skies.
I was on the roof of my apartment building.
there I was.

It wasn't all that tall. Three stories.
I wasn't sure if that was good enough.
Just before that.
My sister was in the hall.
She was reading I think.
I had just showered. Before the power went out.

The rooms were occasionally lighted by the thunder.
Just for a second. I was lying on my bed.
I didn't wear pants because I couldn't see where the closet was.
It was dark and the power was out.
It still didn't rain.

I heard something splatter.
I get up.
I sit there still of a second.
I lie back down.
I've a terrible headache.
I get up after a while and feel nauseate.

It wasn't something I ate. I look around.
My parents aren't around. It wouldn't matter.
They would be famous soon for all the wrong reasons.

 I think about how funny it'll be if I snort some ibuprofen.
I get up and drink some water.
I walk out to see the sky.

I keeping walking.
I think about how it'll be from the roof.
So I climb up the stairs and I keep going till I reach the top.
I look around and see that the power has come on.
I stand up on my tip toes to have a better view and then I look around.

It's still thundering.
I get up higher on the ledge now.
I think of myself.
My father thinks I am a liability.
I think I am a liability.

He said he doesn't have anything for me.
I have nothing for me either.
I think and I think and then look down.

I see myself lying there yet I'm here.
On the roof. I look down and I see myself lying there
but I'm here on the roof.
I look down and I see myself without life.
My head is open, bright red spilling out.
The rest is white noise. I look down and I'm no longer on the roof.

The rain finality falls.
It dilutes my blood to light pink.
Just the colour I liked when I was small.
The rain carries my blood away from my head.
My family doesn't even know

— The End —