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Cheyanne Hopkins Nov 2019


1. the loudest point reached in a gradually increasing sound.
"the music rose into a crescendo"

the music swells around us, in this room where our eyes first met. the room i first saw you, i first saw myself.
my breath exits my mouth in short breaths, mesmerised by your soul and the way it greets mine

2. the highest point reached in a progressive increase of intensity.
"the hysteria reached a crescendo around the parade"

the tears block my vision, my voice hoarse with anger. i hear your voice heighten, the temperature in the room rising. your voice is piercing. spitting venom. my breath exits my chest in quick, gasping breaths, fighting to stay together.
your soul stands before me rotting and splintering, hateful words directed at mine. your arm raises in an unfamiliar motion. ready to strike but your soul strikes before your hand can, venom seeping into the wound on my cheek

c.h.h.b end.
puritypuke May 2017
1. i know i don’t need anyone to make me feel better, that i can handle these things on my own. but speaking to you makes everything seem so much quieter.

2. there is me with tears streaming down my cheeks like rain. i cry all the time because i never cried when i was younger. there is you, with fire in your veins and hands dusted with the ashes of what is left of me.

3. you speak to me like i'm a person, like i have value and that you believe in me. you’re an entity and i want nothing more than to live in your heaven.

— The End —