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antxthesis Feb 2016
I'm loaded
I've locked and stored everything inside.
But the walls are beginning to break:
Bang! against my mouth,
Bang!  against my heart
Bang! against my fists,
Bang! I'm falling apart.

I'm so heavy,
I've locked and stored it all inside,
My feet are heavy, and I'm playing tug and war
to keep these walls from falling apart,
but they're halfway down:
****! I'm getting weak
****! I can't lift my feet
****! I'm starting to fall
****! is this it?

I have been burdened
I've manufacturing bottles
and using my feelings as its fluid for too long
But the walls are shaking,
and they're finally down:
Boom! did you hear that sound?
Boom! that's the sound of anger, roaring
Boom! I've cause an explosion
Boom! I am scary now, I finally burst.

— The End —