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Red May 2014
Why mom?
Why is it that I always have to rebuild my confidence when i'm around you

Mothers are supposed to empower their daughters
and help them to love themselves for who they are

I shouldn't be hearing that my favorite clothes are unflattering
or that you're giving me "constructive criticism" on my makeup

Why do you always ask me first when i worked out last
or if i've lost weight

why is it that i have to ask my boyfriend to pump up my self esteem
because i think i'm overweight

why do i have to convince myself that i'm beautiful
when deep down i still don't really believe it

Most of all why are you trying to morph me into this woman like you

I don't want your "modern" *******
and my **** is big and fat
men love it and so do i

so **** your modern clothes
I'm wearing high waisted shorts

because my *** looks fan-*******-tastic

— The End —