I heard from you again, in a random gaming stream
Others saw some internet figure, I saw an old dream
A friend made way back when, just shy from being 15
Everybody sees this tiny bean, when some saw it sprout
How I gleamed when I wondered in my heart where you've been
You've gone by many names, since last I've known of you
Never had an opportunity alone to catch up on 14 to 20
Only ever glimpses, mishaps, happy birthdays and by chances
Happenstance, lucky days, barely any words where the past had plenty
I've known you a quarter of a year, yet 7 was in memory
I wonder how destiny feels, being a part of this story
Her birth solidified me as her never to know god uncle
Will she ever get to complete the puzzle?
I hope one day Justice fines redemption
That he grows to be strong and Tenacious
That blue eyes shine on a dark world
That your destiny is never twirled
And Lastly, I hope you stay a bright star
To others wherever you are
Beyond the Golden Acres on your Scalp
That love and kindness always helps
To you, Raine
Through success and pain
A poem I wrote on a friend I met online in 2018. Had a run in on a Game stream and they haven't changed one bit.