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tainted black Nov 2018
she spreads kindness--
like halo is her middle name
what they don't know was
the devil always calls her
which puts her to shame
Aaron LaLux Dec 2016
The City of Demonios

“Why are some people waiters,
and some people are waited on,
why are some people Haters,
and some people hated on?”

I was awaited on,
before they knew they were waiting,
pinch from dreams or so it seems,
because it appears the people are awaking,

I’ve awaken,
in some sort of dreaming,
and I’m trying to not let them get me,
but it seems they get everyone eventually,

preyed on by hungry demons,
Fallen Angels that haven’t found peace,
from the city of Los Angeles,
to the beaches in the East,

a feast,
I offer up my body for Death,
see only through the death of the physical,
can the Soul truly ascend,

do not fear the Reaper,
let’s make them all Believers,

I see her,
like a nightmarish dream,
I love Her I hate her I have to have her,
she stares in my eyes and makes the Silence scream,

isn’t that a painting,
a dream,
isn’t that just waiting,

let’s not,
let our,
hopes only be hopes,

all of this,
before Death ties His rope,

around your neck,
please let me free,
we need liberation,

but for now,
I’ll just take a glass of water,
I’m parched it’s a desert out here,
and I’m wondering if the trouble’s worth the bother,

please a glass of water.”,
I turn to you after ordering a glass,
and say “Isn’t it ironic.”,

“Why are some people waiters,
and some people are waited on,
why are some people Haters,
and some people hated on?”…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
Hello from the other side...
Stephanie Grice May 2015
The water bubbles around your feet
yet it does not touch you
Floating on a cloud to where we meet
You feel this does not concern you
Always asking why dogs bark yet follow your every move
The wings upon your back are black not a powdery blue
For years you've seen people cower as you walk by
You never really thought until now to question the reason why

I've been waiting for you prodigy
To explain to you the reasons people can't stand the sight of you
Yet can not help but stare
They burst into flames if they look at you too long
But where do they go from there?
Long ago here on Earth two people did meet
One of snow and one of sand
An you is who they did create
No one knew such sorrow they day you were born
The angels sang and demons cried to see such a sin
A young person born of two creations
Now you see why people scream and children hide
Murderers are your best friend
But all this you deny
Your fate has found you to follow the path you have been given
The angelic face, demonic eyes are just above the skin
it's up to you to decide what your heart wants, how to live your life
For angels want you to live in hell
While demons want you in the light

— The End —