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frankie Sep 2016
“how are you?”

“well I’m not too sure you see. I’m sad all the time but do not know what it means exactly. I can laugh and smile still but feel no happiness. It’s like a forced laugh and a forced smile basically telling myself that you need to act as if nothing is wrong. But when I am alone, everything becomes quiet and sometimes silence is violent but there I sit. In deafening silence, being overtaken by my old friend I call darkness. I am falling, deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole once again, this time I don’t know if I’ll make it out. but to answer you're question, I'm fine."
taken from my tumblr: frankierowl
muteD Nov 2015
Guilt is a massive hurricane,
Wrecking havoc like a tornado.
Stealing your emotions, leaving you blank like a wall.
Screeching in you ears,
And clawing at your soul.
Smothering forgiveness in the flames of hatred for yourself.
Attacking your will to live.
Leaving you like a whimpering baby seal.
Or screaming like a baby craving human touch.
Until all hope is lost and

You're looking up, drowning in a sea of pity, and helplessness.

Screaming from the top of your lungs on the ledge:
**"I'm Sorry!!"
:) This poem was actually for my poetry class, but I thought you guys would like it too!!!

— The End —