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Don’t you think it’s quite unfair
how we could never be.
I thought we were the perfect pair,
yet no one could quite see.

You and I are basically one,
you see, we are the same.
But “us”, I figured, there was none
because we follow the rules of this game.

I’ve always wondered why our paths wouldn’t cross
even though we have the same design.
And I couldn’t count you as loss
for you were never mine

And I guess I have to live with that:
You being only as close to my side
because even though we never meet,
as long as you travel with me
(into this line to infinity)
it would still be an amazing ride.
we had to write a poem for advanced algebra. so here goes. inspired from the concept of parallel lines. you see, they are so the same, but they never meet. and that is so sad. eh

— The End —