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Chill Luciani Mar 2015
sometimes I think I'll be playing myself reminiscing about everything that happened looking back wondering where I f* ed up at. you know if you take love for granted it doesn't take you something out at younger me. I used to be a fool for deception. now deception prays on me. if we're living a lie I gladly accept my consequences. which means you lying down with someone else. If i said he's not better than me and I'm just hating, envious, jaded. ever so green I envisioned us traveling the world together at one point. this is merely stuff I can't see. so I travel alone looking for mere traces of you the mirror don't even feel the same. out the corner of my eye were like the stars at night. just like that in the cloudy evening nowhere to be found. I've seen the earth move. I've watch sunsets not appreciative of what I had and have not knowing what I've lost, is worth more than any dollar known to man. the next pull of my cigarette fills my lungs I know it's bad for my health but, it makes me feel not even half of what your smile gives me and your goofy *** laugh. punk *** I once wrote a lyric i try and I try.I don't know sometimes the way the Sun light connects with your eyes. it's just something about it I couldn't even describe. we both got lives I live in yours I wish you lived in mine.
dear selfishness,
Chill Luciani Mar 2015
to the women of my life. Im ashamed to say I've done some things that never should have done. leaving you stranded at the first sign of trouble. not being there when needed at the most. taking you for granted thinking you always be there, how forgetful am I. the times we shared. the time I should have spent. all the gifts given to me foolishly spent as if a young kid with money for the first time. You know that first time you bought you own clothes. my mother would slap me for you. my grandmother would have loved you. I wish you were here my brother speaks of you often. we both wonder where are you hopefully living. miss your punk *** too. don't get f* up you know I love you. I miss the way you subtly flirting with me I'm miss you lying. I respect your ways and failed to recognize the fact you respected mine. all of us have secrets. some of us wish to share more. yeah I'm still selfish in my ways into a matured understand the old cliche goes you never know what you have until you lose it. knowing what I know now we were just Batman and Robin Bonnie and Clyde bye bye blackbird. it's too bad sometimes my mother taught me way better than that. my sister would have disowned me not I'm a little more mature there's no second chance cuz the second hand is broken thus I leave it at that the woman of my life.
I don't know but I know

— The End —