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Feb 2015 · 1.0k
T M Katzman Feb 2015
I need to write a poem
But look, Jake and Amir
Just one video, Amir has got braces oh dear
I'll get back to work soon after this

Wookie Jesus and kittens that explode
New info on The Last Of Us the movie
And cracked's opinion on sushi
And this gif wont load
Feb 2015 · 466
My dog
T M Katzman Feb 2015
The old house creaks gently as we sleep
Barking, panic and fear, an evil burglar monster is quite near
Hush little dog, it is okay, just a creaking roof

The tree outside rustles in the wind
Giant spider creeping up the wall, I must attack it before we all die
What are you doing dog, trees are not evil

At 4 a.m I fall to sleep, dreams merging together
In the morning I awake, my human does not want to play he must be sick
Little dog I'll play with just after my coffee.
funny dogs dog
Jan 2015 · 285
The Seasons
T M Katzman Jan 2015
In winter the the forest freezes and dies
Life is meek and tired waiting for new beginnings
Spring comes alive, is awake new and young
Leaves begin to bud and grow as flowers emerge

Summer's life is strong, adult and beautiful
Leaves are full and strong a deep green color
As autumn's breath surges across the land life begins to fade
Orange yellow red and brown are the leaves that coat the ground.

Then winter returns, the sky greys and the carpet of leaves decay
Icy powder falls from the darkened sky to give the earth a blanket
But spring comes again and again for all of eternity
Thank you earth for the seasons, for eternal summer or winter would be pretty boring
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
T M Katzman Jan 2015
Ice crystals form in the sky only to fall
Their descent a dance spiraling downwards
Only to fall on harsh earth or other of their kin
Slowly building upwards the snow grows

Soon there is so much snow it would take an army to shovel it all
Snow piles ever higher than before  dusting the land
Warmth has faded the snow smothers all
But inside the house the fire crackles and cocoa is held
Jan 2015 · 647
Olde english
T M Katzman Jan 2015
Subjects in school I do many
But one I can not comprehend
The subjects name is Shakespeare
His play make little sense if any

His English is old and so is his humor
Some people understand it but that is just a rumor
What is the point I do prithee thee
That we have to read it, both you and me

— The End —