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346 · Jun 2019
Suzy Hosker Jun 2019
Do you have scars?
I have them too, though they're not as easy to see
You see my scars, although not visible are so painful within me

They're in my mind and in my heart and from time to time they weep
They re-open via memories and secrets that I keep
My scars of mine each have a story that I'm not so keen to tell
They play unfairly with my sanity and unleash a state of hell

Because I don't always wear them on my skin for you to see
It doesn't mean they are not there, because within they'll always be
They are marks of sadness that will always follow me wherever that I go
Like a darkness looming over me, a toxic traumatic shadow

But the scars are always a reminder of the bravery underneath,
The weakness that I sometimes feel, is not the real truth that I breathe

Battling my drive for life, is my hardest toughest task
As sometimes I wake up and feel I must put on my mask
The pull I feel beyond the grave is like a magnet drawing me in
Life's too much, it's far too hard, I just feel like I can't win

Skin is not always physical, it's attached to emotions too
My emotional skin is wafer thin, it's practically see through
It doesn't take much force, for inner skin to break a tear
It doesn't take much influence, for me to suddenly over-care

So just remember, when you look at me that my scars aren't so easy to see
They wear deep within, right by my soul, and are a huge deal to me
I wear a smile upon my face, but do not hastily presume
That everything is fine, my smile whilst deceiving is nonetheless a costume

I'm a warrior without armour, I'm a saviour without wings
I'm a lover, I'm a fighter for the happiness life brings
My scars do not define me, but they're just as real as yours
They're not always on the outside, they're more refrained indoors
201 · May 2019
Being Borderline (BPD)
Suzy Hosker May 2019
I woke up this morning in a state of despair
My body in panic and I just didn't really care

Except when I don't care, I actually really do
Because the pain that I feel makes that statement untrue

I've barely even lived, and yet at times lived too long
Because this world feels unfamiliar, this world feels so wrong

I don't ever fit in with anyone that's around,
I'm somebody that nobody ever can ground,

I'm up soaring in the air, and then down low in a hole,
And I question myself, do I even have a soul?

As the people I love, can as quick be someone I hate,
They can make me feel awful and then as quickly feel great

When I see something I want, my desire overgrows
Til the temptation takes over, no boundaries it knows

At times I'm invincible, or so myself I convince
Invincibility is a mask, that I've been wearing ever since

My trauma was so painful, the memory it burns
It replays in my mind, it tosses and it turns

It broods and it grows getting bigger and bigger
There's a switch that it flips when there's suddenly a trigger

The person I hide and keep under constraint
Breaks free of it's shackles to over-express it's complaint

I can't take it anymore, I can't bear this distress,
I can't feel this suffocated and a floor heaped hot mess

I can't put on the smile you so want me to bear
I can't hide this pain anymore, it's just not fair

Why do I have to have BPD?
What did I ever do, to be imprisoned and never free?

The trauma I went through, that wasn't my fault
And yet I'm punished each day, by this mental assault

It makes me feel things, I don't want to feel
It makes me react to things that aren't even real

You say I need to grow up, and that I act like child
But I never developed the tools to be reconciled

I act as a child, because it's all that I know
I feel safe under my pillow fort covered by a throw

That child sense of security most people leave behind
Is still very much my haven when safety is hard to find

Trust doesn't come easy, when my trust is always broken
My mind screams it's torment, whilst my lips stay soft-spoken

I don't cry, I pour, and when I'm angry I burn with rage
I try to keep my emotions locked up in a cage

But I feel in extremes, once out, they're let loose,
Connecting a bomb to a very short fuse

Were sorry if you're on the other side of our pain
It can be very difficult to try and refrain

When we feel or think we're about to be abused
Our defence goes up in fear of being battered and bruised

But if it's any consolation, because I know it's a lot,
To deal with each day, I'll understand if you cannot

But when I love, it's without reason, and with passionate fire
You're my only hope, belief, obsession and desire

My illness does not define the truth of who I am,
It explains that I'm suffering, and I do give a ****

So when I say I don't care, I promise I actually really do
I'm scared you will leave, I'm scared you will be untrue,

Out of fear, and out of love, I will push you away,
But if you actually go, I will not cope each day

It's a lot to take in, and I know that it's hard
But together, working together, my life can be easier and less scarred.

— The End —