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  Apr 2015 sunxset
Drinking the last glass
Sipping on our love affair
I swear it's like you
Are from another world

Bubbles floating up
I wish fate would save me
And love wasn't hard
Faith is all we really have

But shadows follow
Creeping up on me
Haunting my thoughts
Breaking my heart

I try to let them go
Shake them off
They are strong
But, I am stronger
#strength #thoughts #poems #heart
  Apr 2015 sunxset

                       wishing, for
                              your writes to be
                                noticed•simple sign
                             that they have not been
                          missed•with every view
                     and every like•your popu-
               larity does spike•somewhat
          places your art on the poetry
      map•between major players,     
  you close the gap•constantly      
checking to see  who's been              
reading•you're always deli-               
ghted to see the 'yellow                      
•a wish...                            
    for those who                             
     are writ-                    

secretly hope not only for your words to be
reaching far and wide, but also... trending
* the above does not apply to everyone here.
  Apr 2015 sunxset
Phil Lindsey
Oh to be trending with
Praise never ending
For poems I’ve shared on this site.

Likes and reposts give me
Reason to boast -
Justify staying up through the night.

Notifications are
Cause for elation;
The judges DO like what I write!

But a poem too plain
Causes heartache and pain, and
Is often my poor poet’s plight.

No comments, no hearts,
Silence tears me apart
As the view numbers start to get high.

Doesn’t anyone care?
Is it cause for despair?
Don’t they know how hard that I try?

And who really can blame us?
Our desire to be famous
Is a standard set forth at our birth.

Though it’s narcissistic,
We allow some statistics
To define the extent of our worth.

When I group words together
My soul is the tether;
I am sharing a part of myself.

The peril I fear
Is that no one will hear
As the words gather dust on a shelf.

So when the words are ‘bout right
I choose to quit for the night,
Add some tags, then I hit save and send,

‘Cuz when all’s said and done
We’re just writing for fun,  
Who cares if the **** thing will trend!
PwL   March, 2015
Thank you to all who read what I post!!!!   ;-)
  Apr 2015 sunxset
Lachlan Smith
After everything we have been through

it’s all gone down the drain.

You got everything you needed

whilst I got nothing but pain.

You snatched everything from me,

Took everything I need.

You walked so easily from my life,

And left my heart to bleed.

Ever since you left me,

The day you walked out the door

I have felt numb and empty,

The tears continue to pour.

You said you would always love me,

You said it with such ease.

Now we are nothing but history,

And I am finding it difficult to breathe.

You were my everything.

You meant more thanks words can explain.

You used to be my sunshine,

Now you’re nothing but rain.

We had something special.

Now it’s torn to shreds.

I am left broken and hollow inside,

Replaying memories in my head.

Another day dawned without you,

I still find it really hard.

Knowing you are never coming back

Just breaks my lonely, aching heart.

I can’t stand the thought of you,

As happy as can be.

While I am sitting here all alone,

Darkness is all I see.

You are gone now.

Time to face the facts.

I need to get back up on my feet

And get my life back on track.

I’ll find love again one day.

I hope I find it soon.

Because it is music to my ears to hear

Someone say to me “I love you.”
A Poem I wrote after my first real relationship.
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