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pluie d'été Feb 2014
never trust a writer
because their words
flung into the air
in a whisper
a scream
or dropped
in silence
on the emptiness
of a forgotten stillhouette
has the power
to lead you astray

never trust a writer
because they find beauty
in everything
especially sadness
amd the grey
grey sky
that falls at your feet
along the shadow
of your heart
the one you beg
for them to break
to make you

never trust a writer
because they don't always
trust the words
that tumble from their own
perfect lips
they say them for
their beauty
in the sound
in the silence
they say them
for the way they rhyme
with 'forever'

never trust a writer
because he can capture
your soul
with just a look
holding you
the entire universe
and all eternity

never trust a writer
because they may talk
but they dream with their eyes
and closed
and you can never
be sure
which character they have chosen
for you
which character
they have chosen to be
to you

never trust a writer
because their emotions
not always visible
consume them
like a strike of lightening

never trust a writer
because they always
what you want to hear
and what they really
want to say

never trust a writer
because their knowledge of love
is as infinite
as the emptiness
in the black sky
moments of clarity
that create an atlas
of who
they fall for

never trust a writer
because normal in life
is never normal
in their dreams
and they always
last longer

never trust a writer
because 'I'll love you for now'
sounds better
when they say it
as 'I'll love you

never trust a writer
because I swear
they do not believe
in the emptiness
of promises
and they will let you
break their souls
just to see
what happens after
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I said no
And you're still not listening
To anything
I say
pluie d'été Jan 2014
This is my train
I'm leaving, and I don't know
Where to

Catch my hand
In your own
The only word I know
Is goodbye

Eyes locking into mine
I used to think
I would never look away

But now I do
And the world moves past
Like the fluttering of pages
in the wind
A book left under the tree
With the smallest heart
The one you drew
While you were watching me

And I don't cross it out
As I follow the map
Of the stars
Whose constellations
Once echoed
On your cool skin

I end up
In a place where I can lie still
Underneath the grey rain
And close my eyes
Sinking into
And the shadows
I see

There's nothing as beautiful
As the questions
Forming in their echo
With no answer
pluie d'été Jul 2014
a writer
is a sum
of their experiences
and feelings

the man said

his eyes hidden
and burnt

by the sun

how can i write
if i feel

pluie d'été Jun 2014
the flutter of your empty pages
rhymes with my heart beat

i'm bleeding
invisible words

they must be
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I can feel your disappointment

You won't listen to me
I will watch you
And I will have nothing
To say
pluie d'été Mar 2014
isn't it strange
how the heroine is blamed for her beauty
when she does not notice the jester

were it not for her beauty
he would
have not noticed her
pluie d'été Jun 2014
i have a secret
for you
and him
and him
and they take the place
of your name

my heart
doesn't break
so much
a cruel number
a missing number
a strange number

it doesn't
so much
capturing the light
behind the eyes
and brown

so i'll keep
the imprints
of my fingerprints
on the keypads
of calculators
to write poetry
(even though
i can't stand
math as much
as words)
pluie d'été Mar 2014
i am not frightened
of my body
being contained
by another

i am not frightened
of my thoughts
being consumed
by a him

i am not frightened
of my heart
being broken
seven years
of bad luck

i am not frightened
of you
or him
i am only frightened
of the one
who can capture my soul
who can own me
with a whisper
a glance

when you smile
claiming to own my body
you really own
of me
pluie d'été Mar 2014
one day you will wake up
and see me
asleep next to you

lost in my dreams
when i am asleep
lost in my thought
when i am awake

one day you will wake up
and see my reflection
in the mirror
you will see my sadness
before i can hide it

one day you will wake up
and you will look up
to see me talking
to the wind
telling all my secrets to the trees

one day you will wake up
and feel how cold
my skin
can really be
against your safe warmth
drop my hand
in fright

one day you will wake up
and the feeling you thought
was love
will disappear like the tide
swirling at our feet

one day you will wake up
and see how far i have gone

one day you will wake up
and we will be done.
pluie d'été Mar 2014
One day
I want to write a poem
That captures your soul
In the adjectives
Describing the sky

One day
I want to write a sentence
That you will carry
In your memory
Scarred and stained
For an infinity

One day
I want to write a short story
Of a guy
A lot like you
And a girl
A lot like me
With no lies
Only honesty
And a forever that lasted
Just a while

One day
I want to write a paragraph
About the sea in you
And the sea in me
And how we fell in
Each other
And never needed to come up for air

One day
I want to write a dictionary
With all of our own definitions
Of everyone else's words
It will start from the letter Z
And end on A
Because it will be easier
That way

One day
I want to write an essay
On how the sunlight
Made patterns on your skin
Even after you lied
And shadowed the constellations
Screaming honesty
Into the dark

One day
I want to write a novel
About the way your voice
And his voice
Just before
You both were about to cry

One day
I want to write lyrics
For the song
I meant to sing to you
About the moon
And the sun
And how they dance
Whenever all of our eyes are closed
Even if it's just for a second
Always travels faster
Than sound)

One day
I want to write you a telegram
With someone else's hand
To tell you
How much I miss you
And how my heart
Is not in my chest anymore
It's shattered across the sky
Just for you to see

One day
I want to write you a letter
To tell you
That you didn't know what love is
And neither did I

I still love you
pluie d'été Jun 2014
everyone says
that it's the lack
of sleep
that brings bruises
around our eyes

but really
we get the dark rings
from our thoughts
punching us
in the face
pluie d'été Mar 2014
we are just the ghosts
of the trees above you

the ones that allow
the golden light
of the sun
to fall
on your bare skin

the ones that make
with the wind
never ending
and every thunderstorm

we are the ghosts
of the beauty
brown and scarred
to become white
and stained
with ink
the echoes of your speech
pluie d'été Aug 2014
we keep
searching for words
that sound
like flowers

in autumn
before they fall

but all we ever find
with tired
hopeless eyes
are the words
that sound

like crumbling
pluie d'été May 2014
The greatest loss is not of our own lives.

You understand nothing.
You watch everything
Fade past
With denial
On your mind
Pity on your wrist
And a stupid smile
Cloaked with alcohol
And the pills
That spill from
Your clenched palm

It’s not okay
pluie d'été Mar 2014
you looking at me
the way i wish you would look
at her
your eyes
sweet and peaceful
please look away

your fingers
sought out reasons
to feel mine
to touch
my skin
and you tell me
all the things
a girl
wants to hear

please don't love me
the way you think you should
the way you think i should be loved
my heart has a wall
when it comes to you
and all the others
that aren't him
and i can't
love you back

this will only end badly
the more you come to see me
the more you whisper
what you feel
i don't want someone to need me
or laugh
at the stories i tell
that aren't funny

i don't want to be so apart of someone
that i can see myself
a reflection
on their lips
when they smile

you think i will bring you happiness
and safety
but i can't
bring those things to you
please don't love me

you are not him
and i am not her
pluie d'été Apr 2014
Let me slip away
Without a fuss

Don't keep asking me
What 'fine' means
Don't ask me to stay
Or come

Let me slip away
Without a fuss

Let it be okay
When I say
'I want to be on my own
Don't make
Decisions for me
I'm not too sad
Too be alone

Let me slip away
Without a fuss

I don't want to tell you
What I mean by being
I don't want to have to lie
And tell  you that nothing is wrong

Let me slip away
Without a fuss

You need to fight for the
Right girl to stay
But it's not me

Let me
Slip away
pluie d'été Mar 2014
The sunlight flashes over me
Reflected by the swinging  window
Moving in the breeze

Stay still
Over me

I want you to go
pluie d'été Apr 2014
a beautiful word
a sad word
an honest word
the biggest lie
pluie d'été Jun 2014
i keep looking for answers
when i should be
for questions
pluie d'été Jul 2014
if rain was yours
i would be yours

but you have the thunderclouds
and the lightening

and the earth
is screaming for me
pluie d'été May 2014
you say
that i'm a hurricane
and i think i'm rain
but really
i wish i was just the drizzle
falling slowly
from the sky
afraid to let go
until i land
on his cheeks

who would stand outside
during a hurricane?
how would i find him?

who would stand without
an umbrella
or undercover
during rain
how would i land on him?
pluie d'été Oct 2014
do you know the rain
he asks
it's never alone
he says

almost like you

but it's not
and i am not

i am
a raindrop
between other raindrops

we become a translucent
(we are not blue)

you are mistaken
i whisper
and a raindrop
slips down
along the curve of his neck
pluie d'été May 2014
the only
with reading
is that you become
so tainted
with the characters'
that they might
as well
had happened to you
and by god
when you read
a person's
of too many
it really can
too much
pluie d'été May 2014
you are like the song
i keep replaying
and can't stop
the words too precious
too fall from my lips

so i hum them
the way the rain did
above us
that one day
and i smile
when people ask
what i'm singing
because i don't think
they'll ever know
pluie d'été Jul 2014
i keep getting lost
on the trail
that winds
through the forest

green leaves

rough trunks
in neat rows


like a stuck record

i keep
without going around
pluie d'été Mar 2014
You listen
You don't listen
Do you

The words you hate to say
I will nod
And smile
And you will
Never notice
Tainting them

Your words
Stopped making sense
Weeks ago
And I'm sick
Of your rhyming
aa bb aa
a b a b a

Leave me
It's easier
To believe in a dishonesty
When you hear it
Over and over
pluie d'été Apr 2014
i hold
something heavy
and cool
against his head

his eyes covered
with satin

and stop

my fingertips
like bullets
and warm
pressed with my fingerprints
in the chamber

trembling lips

i take it
because i can't say
pluie d'été Apr 2014
he tells me that i'm like
a rose
but so has he
and he
and he
and he

and they say it
one at a time
but all together
after each time
thinking its something new
and beautiful
that's never been heard

the banality
makes it seem dishonest
and i don't really like
pluie d'été Feb 2014
i can't stop i can't stop
hands against my face
i can't stop

please stop
moving my hands away
wet palms; wet tracks down my cheeks
hands against your lips; hands over your eyes
pulling; following
into sunlight
into a black shadow
stop; no. stay
a mouth on the curve of my neck, against mine
just stay

running; running barefoot; with shoes
feeling stones of the shore
dew laden grass
i hear your footfalls on the wooden floor
behind me
behind me
you are in front of me when i turn around
just listen
covering my ears
my eyes
its a surprise

waves crashing
it's broken
your eyes are broken
and sad
leave. leave. leave
your voice mounting
it's mounting
dropping to a whisper
i only hear love
it's true
all lies are

finding you
found underneath you
weeping alone
next to an unmade bed
where are the lights?
hold me hold me
let me go
you make me safe
pluie d'été Apr 2014
I am running out of excuses
Of why I want to be alone
pluie d'été Feb 2014
The sky contained every feeling
Of every rainy day
Every memory
Of a glint of golden sunlight on bare skin
But most importantly
It contained time-
It contained it
So much
That it eventually became time

The sky wasn't just a cycle
Of a day
Of a night
The same
It was as infinite
As the wind it carried-
Never stilling, or disappearing
Or taking turns
Recorded in seconds
On a face of a clock
On an empty wall

It just kept running
Above us
pluie d'été Jan 2014
the butterfly
had wings of glass
it tries to fly
the cage
created by me

my palms
and careless interlocking

the wings
turn scarlet
pluie d'été Apr 2014
the sunlight fell over your skin
and seared my mind
with the imprint
of your enlightened

scar me
with the blade
of your lips
against my neck
pluie d'été Apr 2014
just write a poem
that will save me
and i will fall in love
with the words
and think that it is you

are we the words
or are they separate illusions
made to torment
and break our hearts
the same way
he and she has
pluie d'été May 2014
you asked for a secret
and I couldn't tell you
because you
are my only one
pluie d'été Jul 2014
we all make the main characters
in the stories we write
have blue eyes
if ours are green
brown eyes
if ours are blue
and hazel
if they're grey

just so that
no one can tell

whose secrets
line the pages
in our favourite font
pluie d'été Jun 2014
makes the ink patterns
on hearts

the stars
become one
and trees
to be bound
like the tigers
around our wrists

swallow the gin

forget to exhale

there aren't any trees
to make oxygen
pluie d'été Apr 2014
you keep trying
to pin the clouds
to my eyes
when you plait the trees
into my hair

i want it enough
to fade away
and become a shadow
pluie d'été Jul 2014
are the monochromatic colours
enough for you?

black and white
like the gaps
filled between your hand
and my hand

on the paper
that blows away
with the grey
rolling off
the sea

slam the keys
the way your lips
and your gaze
slams into me

and read the lines
and the gaps
that represent
sweet poetry
the pale moon
and the daunting sky

is it the dark
or the moonlight
that makes the
fall across
our open arms?
pluie d'été Apr 2014
What if the Moon was a Triangle
The Sun was a Heart
The Stars were Circles
The Earth was an Oval
And We were all Rectangles
Unable to figure out
How to hold Each Other
Without becoming Squares
pluie d'été Mar 2014
shattered glass
on the floor
saving my mirror

i don't want
to be remembered

tell me again
how we don't see
what we feel
pluie d'été Feb 2014
she took a cloud
and flew up
into space

coming down with the rain
so alone
with the stars
and the moon
and the sun

the shadows
smiled at her tears
from the gray
and wiped them

with the dappled sunlight
coming from between the trees
and hearts
carved onto their boughs
by a dozen
foiled notions of love

to become the page
she screams onto
ink and words
her only sound
pluie d'été Feb 2014
Your words don't stop running
Across the infinite sky

They fill me with doubt
And certainty
Echoing your smile

Your eyes
Are a reflection of the stars
Looking away when the sky
Is empty of the moon

Won't you have me
At your feet
Hypnotized by your voice
And your silence

I hear your heart beat
When I'm awake at night
And you are still asleep

Like a thunderstorm
pluie d'été Jun 2014
throw a stone
hear it

the dusty moths
my sad

with the curve
that mirrors
the moon

and hear
the music
that flows
from my fingertips

with disharmony

silver wings
like rain

i will catch one
if you do too
pluie d'été Jan 2014
sometimes I lie
on the cool ground
underneath the dark sky
dew seeping
through my clothes
holding out my palm
to balance the moon

in my hand it sits
and more silent
than yesterday
when it becomes
beneath a dark veil
of relativity

I whisper
I miss you
to the moon
and search for answers
I don't find in the stars
pluie d'été Feb 2014
When I hold my palm
To my ear
The way you used to
I hear your voice
And it makes me
pluie d'été Aug 2014
when you say
my name
and imprint
the mark
of your lips

on my shoulder
i feel the force
of gravity
release me

please stay
long enough
to save me
from spinning out

to your favourite place

pluie d'été Jul 2014
A whirlwind
Knock me off
My fragile feet
Sweep me away
From society
I don’t read
My god
To be saved
pluie d'été May 2014
my heart keeps
on the open palm of your hand
like a spinning top
and it keeps catching
on the ridges
of your fingerprints
whenever you let me
slip away
to catch me
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