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phantom Mar 2014
in nine minutes it will be midnight
and you still won't be mine
my phone is burning my hand
yet i'm wishing that yours was in mine

today i distracted myself
with academic words unrelated to you
i made a bet with myself if i get a A, B or C-
that i will call you

but what would i say
what would you want to hear?
apologies from a ghost
like myself they will eventually disappear
phantom Mar 2014
i like the way your eyes
have seen too many
late nights

i like the way
your lips can never
feel a kiss

i like the way
you don't give a ****
who i am or where i've been

you would swallow
an ocean if it meant
it would save me
phantom Mar 2014
you find solace in the bed sheets
as the sun shines through the blinds
the sleepy state you awake to
asks you to give positivity a try

you turn over and clutch onto
a pillow
for dear life

she finds aggravation in a headache
and a sickening taste in her mouth
she curls her body into a ball
as she re-evaluates her life

she rolls over adorably
wrapping herself around his body
as if it might save her life

or so you wish,

you both find a new home in the bed sheets
but don't want to face the day
sleep until noon
i wish she stayed
i wish he stayed
i wish we stayed
phantom Mar 2014
you were so quiet
and then you were so loud
you tore through my life
like a plane through a cloud

you splashed your paint on me
like i was your own colouring book
you decided what you liked and hated
then you tore the pages up

i told you 'sometimes mistakes make perfect art'
but you didn't believe me then
you just smiled - oh god, that ******* smile
let me give my life to see it again
phantom Mar 2014
if I could be given a new mind
I'd never have to think of you
if I could get myself a new heart
I wouldn't even remember you

your silence
was an earthquake
a calm before the storm
what happens to the love that's left over
after two has become one?

— The End —