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5.5k · Sep 2013
loving a gangster
Watch but do nothing hear everything but don't tell any come and go without saying hello or goodbye.sometimes I wonder if you even notice that I am still here.

Many nights are spent liying a wake wish that things were so talk about your brotherhood all the time.everyone tells you what you want to hear.

The I loved is gone now I am left with someone who loves money and the high life.some day your bubble will burst.loving a gangster is hard because every time you leave I starting worrying.
4.6k · Jun 2013
my partner in crime
Sitting by your hospital bed with tears in my eyes the fear of losing you was real.the doctors kept saying it was touch and go.

Everyone was talking to me but i could not hear a word they said.please wake up don't leave me in this world alone.

I would give anything just to hear your voice come back to me.because i need you your my partner in crime open your eyes and smile.
1.5k · Dec 2013
I feel sorry for you
I spent many days and nights sitting a wake in the darkness of night.trying to under stand why you hate me so much.her hurtful words cut deeper every time I can bear it.the only time that I am free is in my dreams where no one can hurt I long to stay there never coming back.

Is everything she said true?.
Dose everyone hate me?.
Am I better off running away?.
Will I be alone forever?.

My mum held me when I would cry and say don't listen to nasty remind them of everything they can never be.when they came to see my mum I locked my self away in my room.a knock on my door covering my ears so I hear nothing.again more hurtful words where said such as.

You have no uncles or anuts that care.
Your where not more than a mistake.
Your everything that is wronng with this world.
You should fade away.

My mum protected me from them the best she could for me there was no escape.i feel so lost and alone no one can save me from this nightmare.i can not wake from this dream only because it is so real.their nagging voices still ring in my head over and over.a hug would ease my pain for a while.

I am not a mistake.
Everyone loves me.
I won't run away thats what cowards do.
I am strong.
I am beautiful.

When I look at your lifes people talk and laugh because your the one is scare of you any more age is not on your side.nothing you say hurts anymore.we all see the kind of people that you are.cold sad lonely people who no one likes or cares about.your just jealous and I feel sorry you you'll have someone yo love you.
I wrote this poem for my uncle and anut who use to bully me and make believe that I was not worth any thing but in the end the bullies are the ones who have nothing and I got stronger and theu become weaker
1.3k · Jul 2013
I am so tried of fighting a love which cannot be beating.each time i try to stay away you come and find me.these feelings are wrong but they feel so right to me.

Remember that night you threw me up againist the wall and we kissed.our tongues danced in a blissful pleasure.a wild exiciement stood around the bed i got lost in your beautiful green eyes.

Touching your chest stomach and hips felt so good i wanted more.our bodise entwine and ecstay found in the darkness of night.

As i scream your name loudly i say tell my self we won't do this again.but the smile upon face says this will happen again very soon
1.1k · Dec 2013
he never looked back
He didn't wait to say good bye it was easy to run and forget about everything.promise made were never kept it was lie after other text message to say he can not see me this weekend.

To busy drinking beer all night long my heart was breaking.dads don't hurt you or say you were a mistake that he can not change.i cried he laughed my heart became so cold.

As he walked away he didn't look back not even once I guess he will ruin someone else life.some day he will think about the things he did he'll be alone.drink to forget its all act as if I don't exist.

When I look back I don't cry any more thank you for making me a fighter.each day I get stronger while he grows weaker by the week.walking away was the best thing he did.
This peom was wrote from my dad he is everything a nightmare was made of
1.0k · Jan 2014
Your always trying to get me alone remember when we danced.our bodies moved a long with the music it felt like was just us in the room.the music stops we slip away into the night

Standing face to face under a sliver moon lit sky desire buns in our hearts.we get in the car drive home preying that the traffic lights stand green.getting out the car rushing up the steps going inside.

We kiss.
We touch.
Phones are off.
Cloths are rip off.

You whisper in my ear tonight your mind body soul is mine.i loved you from the day we first met I was always yours.each slow touch felt as good as the last one did I wanted more.

Our bodies rocked and tremble the bed shook I screamed your name.we found pleasure in the darkness of I lay in your arms there no regret in my heart I couldn't fight it any more.
891 · Dec 2013
don't give up
I know everything has went so wrong and you want to just give up.but we will get throught this together standing shoulder to matter how bad things are.

Please don't give up your not alone so many people love you.for them this fight is not over and we will not loose you or let go.i should have said it sooner I love you more than anything.

Nothing can change what burns deep within my heart love brought us to this moment.throught your illness I will be there.every step of the way please don't leave me or give up

Darkness may fall things will get harder and harder but I will not walk away.from this day on your fight is my fight  your never going to be no more talk about giving up.
This was wrote for a friend that got seriously ill and they ofen talked about giving up because he felt alone so I wrote this for him
786 · Nov 2014
his wicked smile
He lay on the bed wearing nothing but a wicked smile.his muscular body begged me to come and caress every last inch.

He crawled to the end of the bed putting his arms round my waist.pulling me in close to his well tone muscular body.

He said lay beside me and tonight I'll take you beyond the stars.we will go higher than man ever could.

His soft lips kissing my neck his hands slowly moved up my thighs.gilding over my stomach caressing my *******.

Our naked bodies entwined it stared with a passion kiss.running my fingers through his hair pulling his head back so gently.

His hard length made my body shudder and my heart skip a beat.breathing deep licking his tongue the earth moved in my head.

Hands held down hip pounding  deep thrusting gyrating movements,made me beg for more.biting his neck like a vampire needing to fed.

Sliding down his body landing between his legs looking up him.licking his ***** like a lollypop looking up at him.

His moans cut through the night air I could feel his fingers in my hair.he beg me to keep going and not to stop.

He said your my vampire looking to be fed tonight .his hot *** teasted better than honey or chocolate.

He lay back staring up the celling saying nothing unable to speak.looking at his face I saw only a wicked smile.
I wrote this because me and my husband love the vampire diaries
718 · May 2014
You always had a dream of the person you wanted me to become yet you never care what i never asked if it was what i want to be it was about you.i remember everything you tried to teach me and how bad it sounds now.

Always be what people want you to be move in the right cricles its all about money power and want it take it no matter what the coast is.the world is yours so go ahead and  grab it and always be perfect.

This was the ugly moster you where trying to turn to me into i am
for not perfect.but i couldnt be that heartless or be someone who is shollow and fake.that just not me.

I just want to be me no one is perfect we all make mistakes we sometime get it wrong.i cant be fake and show people that i love them or care about them i am sorry.
694 · Aug 2013
a love letter for kenny
dear kenny
i have loved you since the day we met.your big beautiful green eyes reminded me of always made me laugh.we could talk about the days past i loved you even more than before. my heart felt things it had forgot how to were more than my best friends.every day i thank god that your mine.because we live in happiness and we have each other.when i am old and grey my love for you will age or grow i stand at the altar ready to make my vows.i know my search is over i found loved and married my soul mate.
from your loving wife always and forever x
684 · Nov 2013
he'll never know
I wish these feelings were easy to understand but they make no sense to me at all.theres always someone who tells me that I shouldn't care about you or want can some thing which is wrong and forbidden feel right.

If this love is a sin then I'm guilty lock me up and throw the key away but i'll still feel blood rises at the sight of his tight muscled heart beats so very hard and fast it misses a beat.

Watching the roses sway in the cool summers breeze they remind me of his beauty.each move his body makes leaves me in a speechless amazement.i can not fight these feelings anymore.

Sometimes I lie in the darkness of night with one big heavy heart and tears in my love will always stay nothing more than a secret he'll never know I love him.
This was wrote for my late friend who has died not that long ago and I never told him how I felt
661 · Jan 2014
looking at you
When they told me your where sick my heart broke and I cried.preying to god that he would not take you away from us.i have watched the good days and the bad days but it all hurts the same.

I remember the good times.
I cried why I saw you in pain.
You made a joke out of anything.
There was always a hug waiting on me.

We faced so many things together we sat up all night talking.holding your hand when you where scared wishing that this was a dream.but I know that this is real and its happening.

Your big eyes look at me.
You tell me its going to be okay.
Tears roll down my cheeks.
Fighting this cencar I wont let it take you.

I still get scared but every step of the way I will be there for you.true friends stay and fight they never give up or run looking at I can help but smile when you smile.
This was wrote for my best friend who cancer and he has beautiful eyes and a beautiful smile and no matter what happens how ill he gets he always smiles so that he can see you smile
658 · May 2013
come home
walking a long the beach with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes your slipping away from me.we use to talk time never got in the way then when that gang rolled into town everything chance.

your heart has been filled with hate they made you promise that won't be kept.nothing last forever gangs come and go i've seen it happen so many times.

once this is all over please come home theres always a place here for you.i just want things to go back to the way that they use to be.
642 · Aug 2013
a sour love
What is there left to say when the love has gone sour.tears fall hearts ache kind words bring no comfort.

Love has left it's scar you cry i hear it wishing that i could do something.everything has changed nothing will be the same.

Each time you take lily boo home i know hurts so come home and cry again when love go'es sour theres nothing you can do or say.
I write this poem after my brother and his girlfriend broke up i heard him cry at night and i felt so helpless because i couldn't say anything to his pain ease his pain
638 · May 2013
your place
sitting alone with a heavy heart looking over old photo's of you tears rolled down my could everything have changed so fast with out any warning.i storm into a fight not knowning what lay a head of me.seening the man you have become has broken my heart it cuts the deepest part of my soul.looking into your big beautiful green eyes all i can see is hate.your place is to be with me and love me like you use to.
636 · May 2014
no matter what you do
I have walked throught hell so many times i have felt as much pain as i could put me down and i will get back like nothing had walk away leaving me behind i won't chase you life is to short for can be replaced with someone else its not that hard to do.

Talk about me when i am not around its not like i care what you think about me love me need me or hate me i really dont care your a hater which is hate the world and world hates you right back i feel sorry for you.

It dosen't matter what you say because your the bully who no one
likes.the only time you have power is when my ears don't hear it and my eyes dont see it,and when my back is matter you do your still sad and lonely thats how it will always be.
I wrote this poem for someone who i thought was my firend but i soon learn a hard lesson that i wony forget
626 · Jun 2013
a love letter for leroy
Dear leory
The day you walked into my life you changed everything.i should not love the way you sneak up behind me and steal a kiss but i do.we should not be alone but we you look at me i know whats on your mind.everytime you touch me it ends up in our cloths scatter every were.i love the way you run hands up and down my bring out the woman in me all the time.just to feel our bodise swaying together brings a pleasure words can't you kiss my neck i close my eyes and get lost in the moment.leroy you make me want so much one night is never enough.your not just my best friend or my lover.everynight i thank god that he sent you my beautiful husbend called leroy.
From your loving wife
558 · Jun 2013
don't give up on us
Its always been the same risks get took and secrets get kept never to be spoke many lines have been cross for me theres no way back.

Tears roll down eyes my heart breaks your changing by the mintue.we don't talk like we use to theres a gap between us.

My love has never changed what ever is going on we'll get throught it some how.please don't give me on up us.
535 · May 2013
no way back
secret meetings at midnight stealing kisses here and there.theres feelings are but they feel so right.

if we cross the line theres no way back.looking in your eyes i know that you don't care but i do.

please understand that this is not a can hurt believe me.

if we run away and never look back we risk losing it all.tell me that you want to take the risk. nothing will ever be the same hearts will be broken and lifes will be shatter.
529 · Jun 2013
my angel
Many years ago a tall beautiful strong angel took my hand and set me free.he show me a side of love i never knew exist until now.when i cried he dried my tears and mended my broken heart.

When i needed someone to hold me his arms were always there and open.his burning touch seared right throught me.he brings me the hottest
nights and the sweetest dreams.

He is the moon in my starry night sky he is the cool breeze on a warm summers each day comes and go'es my love grows.i am in love with an angel who stole my heart and changed my life.
I wrote this for my partner he helpped me throught a hard part of my life.he has always been there for me.
498 · Aug 2015
You never stop to and think of anyone else. An other mood swing more hurtful words. Turn the other cheek, forget it every happen.

Nothing is ever enough your never so happy, so we aren't happy. You drag us down with you. I prey for streath and faith.

These eyes of mine have cried so many times. Each day my heart gets empty. Always an other threat use the power cards.

Draged down crush into small pieces all that's good is gone. Tierd, beaten, bruised and ripped apart. I can't take anymore its time to.

This house has become like a prison to me. Not as free as I think stuck in place, worse than hell it's self. I am leaving and never coming back
484 · Jun 2013
a shatter friendship
Both my friends are at war angry words get exchanged.your caught in the middle of a fight thats nothing to do with you.

Suddenly they want you to choose between them which isn't easy.many night are spent sitting up late wondering what to do.

I always thought nothing could come between us but i was wrong.all thats left is a shatter broken friendship.
This poem is about two of my friends who are still fighting we were like sisters and then they fell for the same man and things changed
Nothing will ever be the same tonight and it scares me.looking into your eyes they are so cold and full of hate.

A heart which once held love is an empty shell and i know it.theres no way of saving you it has gone to far.

Something deep in side you has changed your not the same man.all i have left are memorise of the good times.

As i watched you walk out the door my heart broke.tears fell like a rain that never seems to end i have lost it all.
480 · May 2013
tell me its not to late
liying a wake in the darkness of night with only my thoughts for company.i am missing you like crazy everything has changed nothing is the same.your heart has become so cold love has been replaced with hate.every since you join that gang your a diffrent man.the longer your with them the more your slip away from me.all i can do is get down on my knees and prey to god its not to late to save you.look into my eyes and you will see a love thats true and pure,it can't be to late to bring you home.
Everyone said you were bad news and i should walk away.but i saw things in you that no one else could see.

I have loved you since the day we met no matter what people took my hand and let me see a whole new world.

No matter what you say or do it dose not change how i feel.i have never stopped loving you and i never will.
475 · Jul 2013
how could you do this
I remember that bitter cold winter night you i sat by the fire didn't even stop to look back one last time.for me all hope was gone love had left its scar on my heart.

As the years past i found someone else who loved me.he taught me how to love again showing me a whole new world.he always said your lost was his become a painful memory best forgotten about.

You said it was us againist the world promise were made but never kept.i believed all the lies and storise now i am the fool.the love we had was bitter and sour.

You strom into my life again as if nothing has happen.asking me leave this happen life behinde and come with'll never love me as i love you.

You will stay with me for a while and you'll break my heart could you do this to me just when i am place is here were i will be happy
466 · Sep 2014
Not happy or sad not up or down feeling lost in a sea of pain heart ache and sorrow.the moaning voices that surround me never shut up not even for second.they just seem to keep getting louder and louder how i wish they would stop.

no where to run or hide no secret place to go stuck in a living room that feels like a cell.i wish that i could fly like bird never looking back going where i want to go.these days my dreams are the only place i feel free and alive.

searching for a reason to get up in the morning so that life can move once more.a different day with the same crap dying inside just that little bit more.i scream as loud as i can but no one hears me scream or crying trapped now and forever
453 · Jan 2015
the last good bye
Grey clouds roll across the sky heavy rain falls.this dose not feel real but its happening.singing some songs remembering good times.dying inside with each passing minute.thinking about the things we will never do.there was so much left unsaid.wishing that time could be turn back.just so that I could hear your voice one last time.trying not to cry holding back painful tears.the time has come to say the last good bye.
I wrote this for my mum she was my best friend
453 · Jun 2013
your in heaven now
The day you died my heart broke life would never be the same.we faced everything together you were always there for me.

When most people gave up on me you told me not to tears filled my eyes you dried them away and made me smiled.

We could always talk about everything and that you are gone it dose not feel real this pain hurts so bad.

You were not just my mum you were my best your in heaven looking down on me i miss you so much.
451 · Jun 2013
what a wicked thing
You walk into my life changing everything leaving nothing the same.we spent warm summer days together and alone.

While my heart was brusting with love you never felt the same.this was just a game which you liked playing.

What a thick thing to do i gave you everything i had.i guess it dose not matter now the game is over you win i lose.
I wrote this for a man i met throught going to church we became good friend then he asked me out on a date and i started to fall in love with him but he just plaid games and used me
435 · Nov 2013
did you
She crys in the darkness of night as she lies alone in an empty bed.the phone dosen't ring he hasn't come home again she knows were he is and it hurts her.

Did you think about her when you have *** with her sister?.
Did you think about how much you were hurting her?.
Did you think about how nothing would ever be the same again?.
Did you think about your sons when you promised them you would be at their football game?.

You both ruin everything I saw a family fall part because of a jealous sister.that was a line that shouldn't have been crossed now you have nothing.
This wrote when my friends husbend cheated on her with her sister after the affair was over their lifes fell apart it was so sad to see
435 · Dec 2015
an other
An other story told the lies just seem to get worse its always the same.

An other excuse given to why you won't change your life and stop the lies.

An other day spent wondering how I can stop you smoking **** and drinking.

An other night spend wishing that I could change everything, and make it better again.

An other text message asking for money sending one back saying no.

An other family member walks away and says they can't do it anymore.

As for me I can't walk out on you because we are brother and sister.
432 · Aug 2013
if i said
if i said lets run and never look back would you come with me.if i said that i can't live with out you what would you say.if i said i love you would your heart burst with joy and happiness.if i said come and lie next to me on the bed would do it.if i said kiss me like no one else ever has would our lips meet.if i said your the only one for me would you be mine.if i said marry me would you say yes.if i said come and make love to me by candle light all night would you do it.if i said i want to be by your side would you keep there.
i wrote this for my boyfriend on our first date i wantwd to give him something that was special
431 · Jul 2015
it's always the same
I talk you never listen words fall on deaf ears.

You got colder the distance between us got bigger.

You left me with out saying anything no good bye.

I kept waiting on you this love died more and more.

Something's can never be made or put right.

I leave find someone else get married and have kids.

You show up again telling me how sorry you are.

Nothing will change its always the same.
413 · May 2014
we did it our way
When we got married people said it would never last because we where so diffreant.but how wrong they where you and me have been throught everything.we have laughed and cried together and felt each others pain and heartache.yet nothing has changed between us i love you more than ever.

We had a dream we had a wish we made it happen we bulit a life together.we have two beautiful little boys that are so happy and loved in every way.there was always someone who had to tell us what they thought it was easy not listen.letting the mind wander while they talked.

Theres been highs and lows good and bad times ups and downs twists and felt like one big long never ending roller coster which didnt stop.not leting you catch your breath or stop it to think for a second.

Looking back on everything that has happen we did everything that we wanted.we never listen to any one we lived the life we wanted we did the things our hearts desired.every line crossed taught us some thing new.we have seen it all in so many ways we did it our way and we are still happy in love and married.
411 · Jun 2013
your toy
When ever things go wrong you come to me at midnight.i am nothing more than your little secret thats always been my role.

You say no one can make me feel the way that you do.these are all enpty words and i can not be your secret any more.

This is not love and it never will be to you i am your toy.well no more you don't love me its time for me to say good bye.

I have been a toy long enough and it breaks my heart so much.i started to fall in love with you but i found out the truth
410 · Oct 2013
missing you
I am going to miss the way you use to make me laugh.

I am going to miss our late night chats and sing a longs.

I am going to miss all the things we use to do together.

I am going to miss the way that you held me so tight.

As everyday slips by me I will miss you even more than the day before.
I wrote this for my friend he was always there in a time of need.
400 · Aug 2015
You never stop to and think of anyone else. An other mood swing more hurtful words. Turn the other cheek, forget it ever happen.

Nothing is ever enough your never so happy, so we aren't happy. You drag us down with you. I prey for streath and faith.

These eyes of mine have cried so many times. Each day my heart gets empty. Always an other threat use the power cards.

Draged down crush into small pieces all that's good is gone. Tierd, beaten, bruised and ripped apart. I can't take anymore its time to.

This house has become like a prison to me. Not as free as I think stuck in place, worse than hell it's self. I am leaving and never coming back
this was wrote for a controlling family member that almost ruin my life
392 · Aug 2015
Sometimes when you speak I stop listening. Its only going to be complaining about everything. Its to hot its to cold why is life never easy.

Sometimes I want to run and never look back. Turning my phone off so I don't need to hear your voice. I long for the sound of silence.

Sometimes I just want to scream the words shut up. Stop talking moaning and complaining. Not an other word say nothing.

Sometimes you drag me down with you. Shattering my dreams crushing my soul. Turning everything that's good into something that's bad.

Sometimes I wish you where not part of my life. These days all we share is the same name, and the same mother.

Sometimes I wish that you would just leave me alone. Let me be free and not try to control me. Disappear and forget that I exist.
384 · Jan 2014
I've found someone
In the darkest and lonely times of my life you left me to stand where never there when it matter it was easy to hide away.eyes staid close as the tears fell you didnt care.

You let me go if I meant nothing soon enough I would be just an other name.these days my life is such a happier tears fall and a real love has found me he is always there.

He holds my hand.
He says I love you.
He is alway there.
He dose the things you never did.
He says I am his queen.
He says anything for you.

Now you walk back into my life asking me to take you back.i have found someone else who treats me the ways a woman such.your lost was his gain he has it all and you have nothing.
379 · Oct 2013
I wish
I wish that I could see you one last time to tell you that I miss you.

I wish you could hold me tight in your arms like you once did.

I wish we could talk about the plans and dreams we had.

I wish that I could go back in time and change the life you had.

I know you can not come back because thats not how life works.

But it dose not stop me from wishing that there was a way to bring you back
371 · Jan 2015
i can't fight it
An other night spent thinking about you just like always.looking at my phone wishing it would ring but it stays silent. Longing to feel your soft rose like touch.

Wanting to feel your gentle lips pressed against mine.cupid's arrow hit my heart changing everything.we pretend there's nothing between us.

My mind says forget it and my heart won't listen.I can't fight what is in the deepest part of my soul.your all that I can think about.
This was a poem about a person who was love sick
367 · Jul 2013
don't do this
Grey clouds roll across my clear blue sky today everything will change.your asking me to choose between two men i love more than life its self.

Making this choice is something which cannot be done.we are friends they hold a special place in my heart.

You told them lies and made them hate each other.while you smile tears roll down my cheeks and my heart aches.

they are at war now all i have left are happy memorise.i wish the fighting would stop and things would go back to the way they were.
358 · May 2014
the next morning
We went out on the town with out a care in the world drinking laughing singing and after midnight every where starts to close theirs doors the night out has ended.walking back to your house still in party mode.looking into your eyes knowin that we should not be together and alone.

I should walk away but i cant and dont want to leave you behind is this fate or just desire.our bofdise entwine you kiss my neck and beg me not to go.whispering in my ear stay a little longer don't leave me not look one touch one kiss cloths hit the floor.

Our bodise tremble our moans drif into the darkness of night the bed shakes.we gasp for air  hands wander hips dip how can it ne wrong when it feels if this was meant to happen sweat runs down pur bodise.we fall asleep for a while not thinking about the line we crossed

Waking up the next morning laying next to your naked body looking at you.yet i have no regrets about what happen last night deep inside me i want this to happen.took a risk share a night out crossed the line and made love all night long
350 · Jul 2015
no answers
An other story made more lies told a Fragile heart broken.

Looking for answers but finding nothing.

Games get plaid but the risks are high.

Kind words bring no comfort or joy the pain is to much.

Of all the questions I have there's no answers.
I wrote this peom because people have not always treated me right
343 · Jan 2016
i could
334 · Sep 2014
say something
Sorrow is last weeks feeling cant cry anymore the tears have dried up once more.trying to understand what is going on in your head but getting no where.text messages don't get answered the phone is off the hook.theres a gap between us that keeps getting bigger deeper and wider.

there's no filling the gap its gone to far for that i wish things could be different.silence has become the only thing we share these days the passion dies.feeling so small hurt and heart broken fighting for love that means so much.

i guess its time to give up and let go because the love has gone and the desire is gone.we are together in the same place but yet our eyes are on the door.theres a longing to be some where else that isn't here or with you.

i close my eyes and slip into a beautiful dream where thingso is still the same and we are happy.what a wicked thing to do letting me believe that everything was fine.say something to me tell me what i already know end the heart ache.
320 · Jan 2015
dont make a sound
Moods change fast giving no warning and no time to hide.blocking out the cry's from a beaten black and blue mum.full of hate for the man I call dad crying the darkness of night.

Living in a real life nightmare that there's no waking up from.wanting to run and never look back for a sginle moment.knowing that in years to come these memorise will haunt me.

Dropping something on the floor telling my self not to make a sound.but its to late dragged by the arm and locked away.but no prince came to save this princess.

           Don't make a sound
This was wrote for a dad who was the worse dad ever
304 · May 2014
closed eyes
Close your eyes so that you don't see the heart shatter pain that you caused.walk away and don't look back at my tears its only going to make you want to say that your soul needs to be free you have your freedom now.

as the days nights weeks and months passed the pain seem to hurt less old wounds healed.i often wondered if you where happy and free like you wanted to be.a knock at the door on a bitter cold winters night who could it be?.

opening the door to find you standing my door step looking cold sad and lonely.i should have shut the door and it locked it when i heard our sons cry i couldn't do it.there was apart of me that loved you i guess fate brought you home
The message i am trying to put across is when you love someone and you have kids with then that its not always easy to walk away or close the door ob the part of your life
291 · Feb 2015
no more
Foolish heart stop wanting what can never won't be his touch or his lips that kiss more holding on to hopes or dreams.

Evey night was spend wishing that we had met.I would have loved you like one on else could.your desires would have been for filled.

No more dreaming about our perfect life more thinking or talking about it.because it breaks my heart to much.

I can't handle the pain it cuts deeper than any knife ever could.time to move on and forget these feelings. I wish we hadn't met then I wouldnt have felt the pain.
I wrote this for a person who I spent years loving and it has been heart breaking love can be beautiful but it can hurt sometimes

— The End —