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I think I was given a single lifeline
and I spent it on you, while you saved
yours for someone else.
*for it's a sad lifetime
for me after you pulled it off whilst you're
a butterfly and in joy you flutter by.
when everything we touch
either turns to ash
or turns to gold
we must learn
when to hold on
and when to let go
white tip on her tail
black lab mix turned old and gray
all as her hips start to fail
but she still wants to play and run and jump

onyx the great we call her
been with us since 2004
back then she had all black fur
now her snout is new fallen snow

all the cats we’ve brought home
showed sadness when they left for good
cared for them like her own
loved everyone she came across

she’s on her way up to the sky
not there yet but soon will be
And as i ask why
i spend every moment with her
 Jan 2017 stéphane noir
tl b
 Jan 2017 stéphane noir
tl b
Poppy red and tangerine,
the brightest yellow and calming green.
Sapphire jewels and amethyst stones,
this is how beautiful our love grows.
Quando me levanto e olho da minha janela,
Agradecendo a vida  e o amor que tenho por ela.
As encostas por trabalhadores durienses foram esculpidas,
E suas memorias nunca  esquecidas ....

Agradecendo as geadas que gelam nosso olhar
Vides que esperam uma Primavera,
Nevoeiros que esfumaçam na nossa terra,
Pastores  que pernoitam com o brilho do luar...

Lagartos que hibernam sempre no Inverno,
Noites longas que nos deixam monótonos e tristonhos,
Agradecendo o amor que parece eterno,
Vivendo segundo a lei dos nossos sonhos...

O Sol espreita por vezes de soslaio e sorrateiro,
Agradecendo as noite frias em Janeiro,
O céu fica limpo e pronto para ser contemplado,  
E eu fico meio embasbacado ...

Victor Marques
(20 minute poetry)

We don't like being reminded of
those things left behind us
when the future's waiting out there
on the edge.

I stepped on the cracks and
never crossed my fingers
never threw salt over my shoulders or
held my breath passing cemeteries.

In a backward glance
I'd say I missed my chance,
the last ship sailed at dawn.

Sweat and cheap scent bring me back to the present
back on the underground line.
bed and board only five pounds a week
which is another peek back at the past.

Never's a right time
and it's always
a good time
on the underground line.

Disease hand in hand
with old age and
tightens the band
my chest is on fire.

Time to retire?
I think
some things I
think too much.
Let me light the blue
touchpaper and run
burn my eyes blue
on one more summer
I go.
I have never seen such tears or heard such gentle cries
And never meet one deserving of the tears that leave your eyes
No lover, right or wrong, worthy of the sobs that bury joy
No creature that encapsulates the beauty you employ
Yet hear I stand gazing on this artistic travesty
A trifle that has broken you so undeservingly
For mere mem are not worthy of the tears that angels shed
My only wish that wings will rise from all the pain you've bled

Marionettes made to do with hands on strings
Serpants smiling squirming savage stings
A hope for justice as the pendulum swings
You're in the arms of dark angels that sing

Coarsing through your blood is acid
The road now you walk a different passage
Woman born of the masses
Take all charge and learn to savage

The strings are cut as she thinks better of it
Wading through cat **** and smelling dog ****
Left burning beside the road is a pigs body and a black leather outfit
She smokes a cigarette her only habit
Is this life
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