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 Jul 2015 stéphane noir
Love at first sight? No son, your vision's blurry,
What's encapsulating your feelings is lust
Powerful, but short-lived
Pleasurable through every taste
But after each taste, that void to quench your thirst will remain
If love is a force, lust must be an energy,
Here for the moment, but we don't know how long it will last.
someone still likes
the way words
race across a page
like brazen insects

someone still marvels
at the magic and movement
of poetry
rhythms that challenge
and calm the heart

someone still respects
the simple music
of a single sonnet
so sweetly sounding
the reader whirls
in exhilaration
like a ballerina
in a sunlit room

now take the words
and make them twist
and turn and jump
and rise and fall

you are their master
their leader their captain
make them bow to your voice
make them cower and despise you
call you hateful names
curse your power

bind them up
in a choke hold
watch the blood
fill their faces
their tiny mouths
squealing in pain

then release them slowly
into the night
whispering your forgiveness
currying their favor
for you know
in their naked humility
in their confusion and fear
they are
after all
only words
 Jul 2015 stéphane noir
wonder about everything you see
broaden your mindset
and see things in every perspectives
wander everywhere you are
create from anything you touch
be amazed by how
other mankind ponder about
ideas and circumstances
that you don't ever
your skin on your head is temporal
BUT your mind is a universe
Snow turned into water
As clothes were shed
skin seen more often.
I lived amongst
Palm trees and clouds of smoke paradise
Returned to the mountains
found your lips no longer called for mine.
I asked you to tell me why
you reassured me not to worry.
Sunscreen perfume
ray-ban eyes.
Your skin a ghost,
your scent
cleaned from my sheets.
I don’t know the color of you eyes
I don’t know what
Your laugh sounds like
And you will fade
More with the seasons.
Maybe that's the problem. I've read all the fairy tales, the poems, the books, and watched too many romantic movies to recognize what real love is when it comes calling.
I know we would be great, but I'm not sure it's love or not.
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