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Sep 2014 · 1.1k
alone with my unknowns
Sophie Foster Sep 2014
Face to face
Expansive uncertainty in the shadows
If I hold on to you
I might not be lost into it.
Can’t we create enough light
To force it to retreat?

But you are a part of it too
The steady ocean in your eyes
Froze when I wasn’t looking.
And I lay here, lulled away from shore
Watching shadows pull down the sun.
Sep 2014 · 574
Sophie Foster Sep 2014
How long will you linger
On my skin?
Why do I feel you
When I'm wrapped up with him?

He kisses with your lips
Your fingers dance on my hips
If I close my eyes
I can almost pretend

But his fingers grab too tight
He is trying to push you out.

I bruise,
I bleed.
But you are the one
Who broke me.

His marks will fade
You will linger on my skin.
Jun 2014 · 795
the end.
Sophie Foster Jun 2014
In the reverberation of ecstasy,
Before one unfolds into two,
I Love You

Silence fills the space between our lips.
I believed the flicker in your eyes.
But it was my own reflection.
     Ricocheted off ice.
Jun 2014 · 568
One Day
Sophie Foster Jun 2014
Imperfect, beyond perfect,
and everywhere between
barefaced bliss and bittersweet.

And I told him I loved him.
     I know.
          And he held me.

Let me trace that word
between your shoulders.
A single tear to baptize the silence.
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
This time is different
Sophie Foster Apr 2014
Are you my springtime,
Here to drive away the cold hands
That envelop my heart?
Warm the earth
So I can blossom.
I promise this time
I will grow towards the sun.
Apr 2014 · 329
Sophie Foster Apr 2014
I’m tired of being cold.
Hot water
Rolls down skin.
Hot bodies collide,
And I steal that fire.

But the ice won’t melt.
Deep in my cave
A heart,
Protected in frost.
Apr 2014 · 433
Sophie Foster Apr 2014
It’s not fair, what you ask of me.
I grew up for you.
Do me a favor and do the same.
I’m not your crutch.
I can’t be your mother and daughter too.
I used to try.
And I used to cry.
I give up struggling to be what you need.
Please just let me be

— The End —