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Laura Feb 2015
i'm absolutely terrified
but i feel alright about it.
is a strange thing -
it's dangerous
too right or
too left
and i'm stuck.
there's you,
there's this,
i can't keep up.
so i'll just stay
absolutely terrified
because i'm okay with it.
Laura Feb 2015
it hurts, you know?
what you say, what you do
i'll put up with it anyway
even when i know it's toxic
your actions fake,
it's hard, you know?
when all you do is complain
i listen to it anyway
wishing i had half the problems you do
makes me resentful,
please know
what i say, what i do
you should put up with anyway
listen and care, compromise
be unselfish and optimistic
even if for an hour,
a day.
i'm tired of not feeling like a person
but this won't escape me
i won't tell you, no
it just hurts
and it's hard
you know?
Laura Feb 2015
don't tell me idolization isn't dangerous
you see,
i haven't worn red lipstick since i found out you didn't like it
and now i don't know if i like it or not
i can't tell if my favorite show is my favorite show because you,
liked it first.
parts of me are parts of you and i wonder who i'd be if i took you out
but i don't
how to do it
Laura Aug 2014
im too old for the innocent 'what if' that i feel when i see you
being near you is peering into the looking glass of who i've become
your face gives me comfort with an always lingering uneasiness
like the first stretch in the morning : your restless bones being set free but tightened by the cold 6am air; almost satisfied but never contented
im worried that i'll be the one that fades before my feelings have the chance
sickeningly entranced by you when my body is experiencing what my mind should be too
my faith in fate is robbed and im left to hope it returns with a new you, giving me signs my wasted time will be returned, hanging like a shiny remembrance on a shelf in my head
Laura Mar 2014
im tired
of the chaos in my head
and having no one to
put it to rest
i hate
hiding behind pictures
of someone living
while im nothing more than
pale skin, beating chest
im lost
and trying to start over
but im too far gone and
far too deep
i hope
this soon will end and
my temporary peace will
rock me to sleep.
Laura Feb 2014
you haven't changed me, but i've changed because of you
because there was a time when i'd have let you sweep me off my feet, call me yours, dance to the same beat
but as i lay here and try to recall how i once felt, i feel separate from my own mind
i told myself it was supposed to be you;
luck, or fate, as i'd once say, would be on our side and we'd end up in eighth period chemistry laughing til we cried
but i know now that my dreams of a pretty prom dress i'll never wear can be no more; my feelings once held for you are ones i'll never share
so even if that night i once so desperately wanted us to spend hand in hand goes awry at least i know i have enough strength to never let you see me cry.
Laura Jan 2014
i'm alright.
i'm quiet but at least i can say i have a solid foundation.
while the glamorous side of young life is intriguing,
the temptation is short-lived when i'm reminded of the scratch beneath the surface.
the picture captures your smile but your smile captures your discontent
your nights may be exciting but your mornings filled of emptiness.
but while everyone believes you're alright, you still don't.
but i know i am.
i'm alright.
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