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Marshal Gebbie
80/M/"Foxglove",Taranaki, NZ    Australian native who has adopted New Zealanders..Wonderful people ! Wonderful country! Have been writing everyday poetry for everyday people for over 60 years. Love Janet …
Nadia DeLevea
24/F/The Land of Lost Souls    Writing poetry is my release. I pour my soul into every word I write, my breath into every sentence. Every emotion of myself hidden inside …
James Jarrett
I am a compulsive writer who will write about anything on any scrap of paper I can find
rained-on parade
Sheffield, England    Sylvie. You don't know me yet.
Decaying matter
Singapore    I've spent years trying to quell the flames and hold on to the embers but I now realize that when a flame burns it burns …
The Masked Sleepyz
Honolulu, HI    I really hate bio's...youll know me better by what I write, but if you really want to know...a small town kid that wants to find …
Jackie Andary
Michigan    If you could read my mind, Love, what a tale my thoughts could tell.
Prabhu Iyer
Quantum Dot    Contemporary rhythm poet. Have a thing for the noir :) Blog: Facebook: Twitter: @iyerprabhu © 2012-2018 Prabhu Iyer. All rights reserved.
Frances Apparitions Blackheart
Horse ✞ Canyon ✞ U✞ah    ©/❤/. ✯ ☥ ‡ ✝✝✝/. ♬. /⚡☁
Cody Spang
I hope you like my poems and stories. Thank you for taking the time to read. I'm just an average girl who wants to tell …
Patricia Tsouros
Dublin, Ireland    Thank you all from my heart for reading and embracing my poetry. My poetry belongs to me. I am happy for you to share, using …
Isabella Pullivan
United States    My poetry book. You can also find my work here. Check out my writers blog at
Earth    Experimenting and writing
The New Kestrel
Connecticut    Imagination; where stories are born and bred.
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