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 Feb 2019 solace and sorrow
"A smiles not too heavy a price."
I like the thought of that.
"A smile will add a bit o' spice."

It's something you hear everyday
But it's something I love anyways.

Just looking at the ceiling
And smiling gives me feelings.
Feelings that make me want to go on
going on to help stop all that's wrong.

So just share a smile
It doesn't have to be with someone
It will be worth your while
It can be just a smile to yourself.

A poem for a smile
Is not too heavy a price.
Now please share a smile
And share it with me.
I'll accept your smile. I promise. :)
 Feb 2019 solace and sorrow
Humans are like the positive end of a magnet
Don't believe me? Just take a look on the net
There's dozens of people attracted to the negative.
But how often do they crowd around the good?

draws more attention than

Is informing others of tragedies what makes us human
Or showing empathy to those treated like they're subhuman.
 Feb 2019 solace and sorrow
Just look down.
You zee your keyboard?
What finger haz the hardezt time?

You're pinky.
You're pinky izn't az ztrong.
But it'z left to prezz zo many buttonz.

Which includez Z.
How many wordz iz it uzed in?
Not nearly az many az you'd think, or hope.

Why iz Z zuch a dizcarded letter?
It zoundz a lot like S and opperatez a lot the zame.
It'z main difference iz the change in it'z look.

Z iz far more zimpliztic.
Three linez. Nothing more, nothing lezz.
S however, uzez one curved line. Harder to learn.

Why doezn't Z get it'z time?
Why can't we juzt give a day for Z?
Or azzociate it with more than juzt bad zombie moviez.
 Feb 2019 solace and sorrow
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This becomes more evident as we grow older. What we once may have thought was a work of art, now because of age has fallen apart. When we started out we might have looked like a Michelangelo, but in the end I fear that we shall all become Picasso's.

Written by James M Vines
James wrote this little rhyme for me. And I had to share!
Thank you, James!
In the shower I cry
In the shower I break
In the shower is where
I name my mistake

In the shower I’m happy
In the shower I’m cold
In the shower is where
All my stories are told

In the shower I’m mad
In the shower I’m hot
In the shower is where
My heart feels like a knot

In the shower I talk
In the shower I pray
In the shower is where
All my feelings would stay

In the shower I’m sad
In the shower I plead
In the shower is where
I plant my seed

In the shower I think
In the shower I scream
In the shower is where
I would keep my dream

In the shower I remember
In the shower I shrink
In the shower is where
All my memories would sink

In the shower I’m not shy
In the shower I grow
In the shower is where
My soul would glow
Just a cut
just a scratch
what’s that mark
it was just the cat
just an excuse
just another lie
what’s with the bracelets
just fashion why?
just a tear
just a scream
why were you crying
just a bad dream
But it’s not just a cut
or a tear
or a scream
it’s just one more
until it’s not
until you die
The forest is
          dark                  quiet          
    slow        calm       gentle    
                       cool                   still                          
           full of magic            
listening as I read
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