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 Feb 2016 Slpngg
Emma Brigham
A moment with you,
my dear,
is enough.
One sip of you fills my soul
but, oh, how I wish
I could drink the whole cup.
She made it really easy to forget
That behind all her confidence and hardness
Lay a broken heart that had been shattered one too many times
 Feb 2016 Slpngg
Chey Ferrill
You used to tell me I was beautiful
and that you would never leave,
promised there was no one else
you loved as much as me.

I used to think you wanted me,
believed every word you breathed,
until you proved that it was false,
and you would rather she.

Ultimately I was left alone,
a simple blip in time.
You packed your bags that very day
and told me I'd be fine.

I assure you that I am not,
and that I will never be...
But you wouldn't know the truth,
because you aren't here to see.
Why am I still hurting? Ugh. I'm stronger than this...
 Nov 2013 Slpngg
I do
 Nov 2013 Slpngg
He smelled like peppermint in the middle of Christmas with those frosty hands he tried to hold tightly to my body hidden under layers of old sweaters.
He handed me a cup of steaming hot coco and kissed my red frozen nose and we watched the snow fall outside our window laughing as  it fogged up when our breath touched it.
There was nothing but love in the air that morning we awoke under mistletoe and stockings were hung.
He handed me that little red box and he said
"I know what you expect but don't be sad when it's not there... this meant more to me than a simple ring"
I opened that little red box with anticipation racing through my veins... and inside was the sweetest love letter I've ever received...

Darling, you're more than the moon
you're more then the heavens above.
You're the sun that shines down in the summer day.
You're the happiness I feel when there is nothing to say.
You're the only reason I would ever cry...
and that would be the day that we die.
You're the legs to my chair, without you'd fall straight down.
And you're the emptiness I feel when you're not around...
So now I will ask what you've been dying to hear..
Will you marry me?"

With tears shining in my eyes like the ornaments on our luscious green tree... I looked over to my one and my only and nodded and said I Do.
Just as he pulled out the most beautiful ring.

— The End —