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359 · Oct 2019
Why do I write?
skywrites Oct 2019
I write to fight the demons inside of my head,
And I cant complain less,
I try to pour all my emotions into words,
At times I fail, but I still try,
Sometimes the sadness takes over,
makes me cry,
If I were an artist, I would draw what sadness looks like,
But I’m not,
So, I carry a pen with a piece of paper and turn that pain into poetry,
But people won’t hear the voids,
the depth of emotions just reading the words,
And that’s not enough,
My pen can be a sword,
But it’s silent,
It should make the sound of each and every strikes,
I need to be heard,
That’s why I feel like reciting my writings,
My words won’t bring any thunder or lightings,
But it might help myself in building that confidence,
To come out of my little shell,
To believe in self,
And think beyond the thinkable,
Make myself capable, of doing what I’ve been scared for so long,
I could write a thousand songs,
Good, bad, right and wrong,
I make a lot of mistakes,
But my words won’t undo the wrong,
Only thing I can do is learn from it,
All these problems in life,
And I don’t want to run from it.
That’s why I write to fight the demons and voids,
I’m just writing for myself,
Seeking some poetic justice,
May be some day I’ll write for people,
Until then, I am no poet.
The main reason I started writing was the fights between the good and evil inside my mind, which I couldn't share or ignore either. So, I thought writing words into paper would help me express my feelings.
314 · Nov 2019
Hello Old Friend.
skywrites Nov 2019
Hello old friend,
We're so close, yet far apart,
One of my demons said, "We're friends forever."
The other said, "Do you even know each other?"
The 1st one, "Yeah, all the time, we're together."
The 2nd one, "So what? What do you know about each other?"
The 1st one, "I know her happy side."
The 2nd one, "So what? Tell me about her demons."
Thus, ended the fight.
256 · Nov 2019
skywrites Nov 2019
High up,
I'm a sky,
where dreams learn to fly,
On the low,
I'm the same sky,
which also cry,
tears like rain,
to heal the pain.

On the brightest days,
I'm a sky,
which carries the sun,
to which sunflower is attracted to,
On the darkest nights,
I'm the same sky,
which carries the moon,
to which the wolfs howl to,

High up,
I'm a sky,
where dreams learn to fly,
On the low,
which also cry.
198 · Nov 2019
The Room.
skywrites Nov 2019
You never know when,
A room full of laughter,
Turns into one full of silence,
Friends who you had late night talks,
Slowly turning into strangers.

Maybe it's something you said,
Or something you didn't express,
Or it's the way you behave,
But look at you now,
You don't want to be in that room,
You move out,
Out of that room,
Out of that city.

Everything's good,
But sometimes,
Your brain hits the memory lane,
And you realize,
You had some good and bad memories,
But the room was never to be blamed.
171 · Oct 2019
Where Am I?
skywrites Oct 2019
Let me know where I am?
I am bounded,
Bounded by the lights in the city and the hefty bills,
While my soul still wanders in the greenery of the hills,
Believe me,
It really gives me chills,
Hits me right on the feels,
And I become that child,
who still rhymes the "Jack and Jill".
But deep down,
The sad reality kills,
And leaves me confused,"Where am I?"
Where am I?
Please let me know where I am.
168 · Nov 2019
Let me go...
skywrites Nov 2019
Let me go,
I wanna fly high,
All this pain,
I wanna cry,
I look fine,
But I'm dead inside,
I wanna cry,
Wild and Loud.
119 · Nov 2019
Heavenly Soul.
skywrites Nov 2019
His body trapped under those artificial lights,
But his soul wanders in the greenery of the scenery,
His soul now rests in the lap of mother nature,
There's no second thought,
Just peace,
That's what he was looking for,
And that's where all the pain ceases.

He thought he was dead inside, but he's alive now,
The child in him is awake and so is the curiosity,
All the entangled mysteries are crystal clear,
He believes in himself,
He doesn't know any of his fears,
He's fearless,
After begging and crying for so long,
He's tearless.

He's stronger than ever,
His paths are clear,
He's fierce like a lion even without a roar,
He finally looks inside his soul,
That's where lies the heaven's door.
#aybstan #skywrites #poetry #heavenlysoul

— The End —