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 Feb 2015 Dr Strange
It's been a while since I've written anything, and I'm starting to wonder if it was your presence that was my only source of inspiration.

This is not good. This is NOT good.

Months passed and I have met so many people that I thought the loss of a person, no matter what it was we had and no matter what it is he meant to me, should not haunt me constantly as it is doing right now.

This is not good. This is not good.

It has become scary because my only getaway from this gruesome, cruel world is sitting down with my cat in my lap contemplating former thoughts of you.

My goodbye was unexplained, and despite the numerous amounts of poetry I've read and the numerous amounts of poetry I've written, I cannot, up to this day, fathom my own goodbye.

This is not good. This is not good.

I sometimes wonder what would happen if I showed up at your doorstep and then I remember I would never really have the guts to do that.

I am petrified of you. I'm still in love with you.

This is not good. This was never good.
The trees don't sway like they use to
Instead they just shake as if they are afraid
The sky isn't as blue as it once was
Now it looks dengy if not dead

The birds have become silent
I think they have all flown away
The berries they don't grow anymore
Though she has been shedding her tears nonstop

The forest has dwindled in numbers
Now she just seem naked
I wonder if she is cold
I wonder if she will make it
If you would like to see poem by me that are not about nature feel free to visit my other account. Sir Poet
It's nature not a used ******
You can't just dispose of it once you're done using it
Like any of you really care
She is dying as we speak
And yet we just laugh as if everything is okay
As our air evaporates
But it's joke am I right
Yeah we find many uses for it,but look at her
And by her I mean nature
Her water is polluted
Her children die
Her mind has gone insane
But we don't care
We'll just watch her say bye
Then wonder why we have all died
If you would like to see poem by me that are not about nature feel free to visit my other account. Sir Poet
In the eyes of nature we are mere insect beneath her feet
Chihuahuas who think they are bigger than they really are
So because nature has a heart she laughs saying we are cute
Feeding us, nurturing us even giving us a place to call home
She was kind to us expecting us to be the same
But that wasn't the case
We became greedy
Taking away from her more than she could offer
Cutting her down and polluting her life span
Making her regret the day she ever met us
We picked at her causing her to cry
Then we would dance and laugh not giving a **** of what we just did
The pain and treachery we caused our mother
As she stands at distance drenched in her own blood
Rotting away in the deepest dept of her own soul
But still she is kind and still we are the same
Maybe one we'll understand
I just hope that day doesn't come too late
If you would like to see poem by me that are not about nature feel free to visit my other account. Sir Poet
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