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Dr Strange Jul 2017
Dear Society,

When I was younger my momma told me, I was destined for great things
Then you came along and said **** that crushing all my dreams
Leaving me to cry blood tears in a street that wants to see me killed
Now you stereotype me saying from the beginning I was destined to fail

Wait what?!?!

In the beginning, I was strong and ambitious ready to stand up to anything
But of course, that was before you came around and shot my dreams in the head
It was an accident you said, but this “accident” cost me my mind
Besides, we both know that ******* excuse was a lie
What you really did was brainwash me so I could never come alive
Forcing me to wear this white mask so I would fit in with the zombie crowd
Well I don’t want to be a zombie I want to be free
So, **** your reconditioning and let me be


Doctor Strange
Dr Strange Jun 2017
I write this poem sad and confused
Lost in a dark world created by own light
I loved her
She truly was the apple of my eye
The spark that allowed me to fly
Now she is the demon that rips me apart on the inside
Stabbing me hoping I die
And it's not even her fault it's mine
All she wanted was someone to understand her
All I ever did was abandon her
Made her cry until the sky dried
Knocking her down until I was satisfied
I feel like a fool
Unintentionally used her like a tool,
As if she was just a *** I kept by my side
Now she is gone
Probably dancing with another man having the time of her life
Forgetting all about the guy who made her cry
Dr Strange Jun 2017
A gentle breeze blows across a terrain engulfed in flames
Riding a storm that cages its victims in a shroud of doubt
Chaining its pray to the very earth that crumbles beneath their feet,
Causing their souls bellow and weep
The sky begins to fall, crying as the storm approaches
Casting a fear that strikes with no mercy
A little boy reaches out unafraid, unfazed by the destruction that has come to claim his home,
And whispers, "it's going to be okay"
Suddenly the sun rises, piercing through the darkness that left his village hopeless
And he smiled as the storm disappeared into the horizon
Brother poem of Hopeless
Dr Strange Jun 2017
I find myself in chains walking across an open field
Drowning in a sea of my own doubt,
As life whoops me like a newly reformed slave
Systematically ripping me of my pride and high self esteem
Until I'm nothing but a mindless zombie with a soul
My heart shattered unable to comprehend why it was sentenced to die in the most painful way
Why it leaks a substance that resembles that of tar
Screaming in pain and agony as it is shredded for parts
I tried running away but my legs feel like jello
My mind won't function, it's too damaged by the blood infested whip that squeeze the life force out of it
And my soul just watches crying tears of blood,
Weakening every second of everyday as it trembles in disbelief
I want to go home, but there is no home for me to go to
So I just lay there rotting away until my damaged remains turns to dirt and blows away
Sister poem of hope
Dr Strange Jun 2017
That night I never made it home
I just ran as fast as I could in attempt to escape the darkness that was swallowing my heart
I could feel it breathing down my neck as it whispered "give in" into my ears
Warping my thoughts fusing them with the anger that existed in my soul
I ran until I couldn't run anymore
Wheezing and gasping for air until finally I collapsed
I closed my eyes to accept my fate and as I seeped deeper into the abyss a phrase slipped out forever resonated with me
I'm sorry, it had to be done
I let out an ungodly roar as my eyes changed to that of a killer
Dripping crimson tears from the cravouses that once leaked everything good
I had become a nobody
An empty shell of my former self
And most of all...
The monster I feared
They tuned for the continuation of the story
Dr Strange Jun 2017
But every monster has an origin story
How they came to exist in this cruel world
I became fed up with the pain that continuously stabbed me in my chest
I got tired of see my mother cry every night because my father beat her within inches of her life
Then school was no better
Everyday I would run and hide hoping they wouldn't find me
Screaming me in my head wondering why this had to be me
I didn't deserve this life
All I ever wanted to do was put a smile upon people's faces
But that dream seemed so far away
Because without fail they would find me just to beat with both words and fist
Robbing me of my pride and joy...of my dreams
Then would leave me for dead
 And I would just lay there and cry begging for someone to rescue me
But they would all just watch and laugh as if it was funny
All but him anyways but even he wasn't enough to save me in the end
They tuned for the continuation of the story
Dr Strange Jun 2017
Bunny, I lied
I told you that I wasn't in love with you,
When in reality you are all I can think about
My heart bleeds when you're not around,
And it cries when you talk about other guys
It drowns itself in its own sorrow
As it attempts to burn away the feelings that freeze my insides
I love you and I have for a long time
I love that laugh you think is so ugly
That beautiful mind you try so hard to hide
I can't help but to smile when you get all riled up
And when you call my name the angels sing a song so lovely
You truly are the apple in my eye, the love of my life
And I'm sorry I was so late
But now that you're here by my side
There isn't anything in this world that will get in between you and I
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