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Dr Strange May 2017
It wasn't always like this
Once upon a time the sun shined where this bearing wasteland resides
Everything was peaceful, majestic I dare say
I wasn't this blood thirsty criminal who committed mass genocide
I was a sweet and innocent child who dreamed to be doctor
One who swore he would be the one to cure cancer one day
Causing tears of joy to rain down upon this desert we call home
But life had other plans for me
Hellbent on creating a monster who painted white canvases as red as a black beauty rose
So here I am...bathing in a pool of my victim's blood
Becoming the monster life wanted me to be
Stay tuned for the continuation of the story
Dr Strange May 2017
I remember calling for her
Hoping she would hear my screams over the cries of the angry mob
And for a second she stopped
As if she heard me and wanted to turn around but couldn't bring herself to do it
So instead she just glanced at the heavens as if she was praying
Reaching out in attempt to relinquish the pain that corrupted her soul
Before walking away never to be seen by my eyes again
I later heard rumors that she had died
That the pain was too much for her fragile heart
And on that night she shot herself as she laid in my old bed
Stay tuned for the continIuation of the story
Dr Strange May 2017
They called me monster for what I did
Saying that I deserve to rot in hell and burn to a crisp
My own mother turned her back on me without shedding a single tear
And I just stared at her hoping she would understand
But...she just shook her head and walked away in shame
Never looking back, never viewing me the same
For in her eyes her little boy had died
Took a bullet right through his brain
And truth be told she isn't wrong
Her little boy was forever changed
Stay tuned for the continuation of the story.
Dr Strange May 2017
They called me monster for what I did
Saying that I deserve to rot in hell and burn to crisp
My own mother turned her back on me without shedding a single tear
And I just stared at her hoping she would understand
But...she just shook her head and walked away in shame
Never looking back, never viewing me the same
For in her eyes her little boy had died
Took a bullet right through his brain
And truth be told she isn't wrong
Her little boy was forever changed
Stay tuned for the continuation of the story.
Dr Strange May 2017
You walk around with mask upon your face saying this is who you are
Claiming that the mask unveiled your true identity that was once invisible to the naked eye
But at night you cry not knowing why your hearts drop every time you tell yourself this lie
Causing you to tremble at the knees as you look in the mirror unable to recognize the person staring back at you
That's when you notice it,
The crack in the mask revealing the scar tissue beneath
The blood that drizzled down your forsaken soul as it cries in pain and agony
The lies that unravel as the mask continues to crumble
And when the mask finally disintegrates, you faint
Traumatized you lay there in a pool of your own tears as you hold the imaginary gun to your head confused
Forcing you to take one last breathe before pulling the trigger
Killing a version of you that was never truly you
Dr Strange Mar 2017
I told them I was broken but they didn't care
They just laughed and mocked me until my soul disintegrated into thin air
Now I was lost...and confused wondering why am I here
Wondering why I even cared about these wretched fools

They beat me...

Punching me and kicking me until my heart became dull
Until my will to go on was holding on by a thin thread
Then stood above me just to spit upon my last bit of hope
Robbing me of the little life that pumped through my swollen veins

Now I'm dead...

I laid there like a mindless zombie just staring into their hollowed out souls
Thinking why me...Why innocent ol me?

Alas I rose...

I rose with eyes blacker than the darkest abyss
Blood dripping from the hearts of the demons that possessed my flesh
Knives seeping from beneath my rotting corpse
I'm going to **** you but you should know....

**This... is all... your fault
Across the board innocent people die because of the hearts of a few. It causes the soul to collapse into nothing but dark ashes that corrupts the mind. And whether you are an offender or witness, it is your responsibility to put an end to this epidemic. Stop the bullying , you never know if your life depends on it.
Dr Strange Mar 2017
A single tear drop falls from the forbidden skies <br>
Flooding the earth with the pain from a single guy<br>
His heart betrayed ripped to shreds forcing him to hide <br>
He loved her but now she says bye <br>
And thus the sky continue to rain dry <br>
As he dies on the inside
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