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Sir B May 2013
When I join something
Or get motivated to do something
You are there

To tell me that I am bad at this
Bad at that

You don't control me, SIR.
No one ever does,
No one ever did.....

Not until I started falling..
Falling into an infinite abyss
Of darkness and loneliness

It was horrible
It still is.
Because i am still falling
and failing to grab to anything.
I keep falling..
Having thoughts to end it for myself
But can I do it??
Whilst in an abyss??
*Can I?
Sir B Oct 2013
Hot chocolate
on a cold night
full moon in the night sky
and friends all around
Had fun at a football game this weekend. I am in marching band.. we are too awesome.
Sir B Jun 2013
Its supposed to be beautiful
Its supposed to enchant you
and make you want for more

But.... *does it actually?
Sir B Aug 2013
It does. It does. It does.
You can't help it
You can only prolong it
I don't know why you would

WHY! Does it have to come to an end!
A pet fish which was supposed to be a present, died right before I could give her the gift.. I guess I am traumatized after the death of something so close to me..
Sir B Jul 2013
Am I of any importance anymore?
I know I am none to you
I know I am nothing to them
I know no-one actually notices me
Besides the fact that
I volunteer at a place

I think they respect me
I don't know
I never knew
I never will know
If I was of any importance..
Maybe after I leave?
Can't be sure..
I think I let myself become soft again.. Time to build up the wall again.. I suppose..
Sir B Dec 2013
"What weapons may I use?"
He asked,
"Anyone and anything you like,
knives are in the front,
guns in the back"
He replied.

"They are the sharpest,
can cut through steel."
"Sir, I believe something is wrong.
Please..., be quick"

He said and then fainted
Shopkeeper put him on a bed
and found scars on the boy's arm
long scars,
going from shoulder to wrist..
..they were on both hands
and the part between the wrist and elbow
were scarred so bad,
you were scared to touch the skin
then.. it hit him
The boy wanted to run away
from this world
and he didn't know where to stop and lay his head down
and he had chosen the shop
to symbolize that it had given him
relief in times of stress and horrible emotions
he wanted to be back from where he started
thus, he had laid, fallen, while talking
and there was nothing that could be done
Sir B Mar 2013
You owe me an apology,
For trying to do things...
Things that are considered "uncivilized"

We were doing those "unwanted" things...
You were encouraging them.

But then you had that idea..
To leave me behind..

I am still waiting for you,
Waiting for you to come back
So you can deliver the apology
And we can be best friends again.
Depression is bad, just don't feel depressed.
Sir B Oct 2013
I provide a sample
of my love for you

Its so simple
you'll be marveled

Well, not really..
Its just excuses to
be around you..

.. its just love
which draws me closer to you..
Yay, i finished my homework, spare time poem. Enjoy!! Hope ya'll had a good sunday. I certainly did. :)
Tomorrow's monday though.... gah.
Sir B May 2015
We sat together,
upon a hill with dew on grass,
against a tree
with glowing city lights ahead of us
We waited patiently for night fall
to stand witness to the beautiful starry night

The wait lasted a while but it paid back.
It paid back through the beauty,
the awesome power,
and the sight of the stars.
These stars were unfathomable
even while we stood witness to them.

The city lights took notice
of the star filled night sky
and dimmed their lights ever so low
Making visible the huge spirals of the Milky Way
emanating a white glow
but so peaceful, oh so peaceful
it calmed the entire human soul

The night was still so young
so much had yet to happen.
She sensed the serene silence
understanding our time was complete.
The world would wander
and locations would change
but our experiences would remain.
An expression poem for my english class..
Sir B Oct 2013
I remember
for less than a blink of an eye
a majestic V of forested *****
Far below it
A tiny stream
blue from the sky
Two low roofs
a yellow patch of
sun drenched beach

My fingers rasping across the wood
in a desperate effort
then I stood alone
in a cold and rain swept night

A ticket
Good, when validated, for
one trip to Verna

Behind it a date, gone,
long since, the ticket void,
punched in a pattern
of tiny holes
I read the story, "Of Missing Persons" by Jack Finney. A very similar read to "Atlas Shrugged" hence the title. I won't take credit for this poem, since I have used much of the story. But a beautiful write nonetheless. Wonderful day today. Better than most.. hope you had a good day too  :)
Sir B Oct 2013
I. Am. Worthy.

Yea, sure
Let's just go with that.
Wrote it a while back.. Felt like posting it.. What am i doing? I dont know..
Sir B Oct 2013
Okay then
Back we are
Back in time

I am just feeling my days go by in a flurry and only stopping down to show my bad times. This not cool! I also thought that this one person respected me.. i guess not... I did have a good day.. October 16th 2013 was a better day.. in a way. I hope ya'll (haha) are having a happy and a better day, than mine, and you are awesomee. I iz awesome too.. just a little less.
Sir B Dec 2013
Be wary, be intelligent
don't lose hope
don't forget
that though you
believe in death
marking the end of your
and while it certainly is
the key
to your problems
it certainly isn't

Looks are deceptive
It seems, and virtually feels
as though it can lead you out of ALL
the ****** misery in your life
its kinda.. untrue..
because after you die..
you are to go to the Underworld..
and please, lets not talk about it
I dont have a personal experience about it
but seriously
You will face just the same problems again
is it worth it to leave your progress right now?
You are doing great,
and death has doors
which you,
aren't required to knock on
for a while

so please, enjoy the season of christmas
meet people under mistletoe
yes, I am serious about that
and live
and see the brighter side of things
and also watch Sherlock
season 3..

I like that show,
you will too
Just live and let bygones
be bygones
If this is too cliche
Sorry about it.
I am trying to convey a point
Poem written to tell you/others about why not to **** oneself. I haven't had those thoughts which is such a relief.  I am actually able to concentrate on studying and get better scores in my Biology class (I heart that class, literally). I might just be my normal self again, dunno. Though I still lack the power to be strong and more confident in my English class.. Well. I have certainly been having a great time (kinda) I hope you have been too and are excited for the vacation which are coming up. I shall write again and be online soon,
Sir B Apr 2013
You couldn't make the food??
Blame Me
You can't find something?
Blame Me

You can't walk to get something?
Blame Me
It's always me.

Your team lost a match.
Blame Me
You like making racist comments?
Make them on me

That's how my life goes, now.
Because blaming someone is how you can remain happy.

Blame Me Forever...

Because actually doing the work
cost you too much time
you thought
blaming me
was easier

Sir B Jun 2013
Last night, you kissed him
It left me broken.
*Really bad
Applies to people due to their actions.
Sir B May 2013
So here we are again,
sitting by our fireplaces
waiting for yet another story to be told
waiting for yet another mystery to be solved
a mystery of politicians corrupting the world
and while you are wondering the answer to the above questions
I will start the story for tonight....

This story begins from a myth that is made by the story tellers worldwide.
Its about cats...
If this raises suspicions then it will be all the more better.
Cats are the feline masters
Smallest in their family of cats
and the most agile pet they roam where it pleases them
but this one cat Oscar was very different
This cat liked to drink blood instead of the usual water
It killed more mice than ANY other cat in town
This was very strange because, well... its a house cat
House cats don't **** mice...

But because the cat loved blood so much,
It sometimes went out of bounds and killed a few humans.
And once a person saw him attack a human
He rushed to his help a little bit late
The human died on the spot
Though it was considered abnormal behavior
it was ignored.....

Months later people kept reporting being attacked by CATS
everyone who owned a cat was supposed to either exterminate it
give it to the government
EVERYONE chose the latter thinking it would save their "precious" cats' life
Little did they know those cats would be used for experiments

Years later,
The Government published their article of "Why the cats behaved the way they behaved"
All the previous cat owners read it over and over
trying to console themselves saying - "It's just a disease, it's just a disease"
But the Government had forgotten to take ONE cat
The very cat that had caused this trouble
They had forgotten to test...
And it was this cat that managed to ask the other cats to help it overthrow the Government
because of its wrong publications about science on cats.
Their plan was almost immediately foiled because the cats were killed on the very day their plan was supposed to take effect.
and while this cat (Oscar) isn't remembered today
We need to remember him,
because he was one of the first of his kind of rebellers.
The first...
A reply poem to sean. He likes cats apparently... hmmm
Sir B Jul 2013
Can I steal a heart
So discreetly
That you won't realize it?
I can't
Because I crumble
When I see you
Die a little inside
Seeing you....
....with someone else

So all in all
Stealing hearts
Isn't my profession
Never was
Never will be

Instead joining two loved ones
....that I can do better....
...I would like someone to do that to me...

Help me out...
No one can!

I guess nature and love got the better of me.. Also sorry to everyone for not being active for a bit... Was at a camp, also hope you guys had a happy day and spent it with your love.

Sir B May 2013
Can you brave it out and ask the question
to that unknown person on that park bench?
He possesses the answers to your questions
He is a living ghost
unknown by the outer world
left for dead by the inner world
But! He will answer your questions
For he doesn't want you to be like him
He can see through you
You just need to be brave, and ask him
For he is ready to sacrifice himself
For anyone, At anytime
I think i am that person.. I don't know anymore
Sir B Sep 2013
Its a lie.
It wasn't meant for me
I thought it was
It wasn't though
and it wont be
I cant be a center of life
for anyone...
Not even myself.
Center of life..
Not even close to the center for that matter.
Emotions being spread out.
Sir B Jun 2014
I want to be alive and not be indifferent to love, but c'est la vie.
I want to love a wonderful person but they do not want me around them but c'est la vie.
I want to be an amazing person who is really nice and fun to be around, but my negativity brings everything down and c'est la vie.
I don't like myself for that but c'est la vie.

But I still hope to make it through
just for 4 more days
until the end of the year
so I could run
and try to forget my emotions for a brief moment
C'est la vie = that's life.

4 more days until school ends.. then its a whole summer of opportunities and late night talks with friends and family..
Sir B Feb 2014
I realized that
i am becoming this
attention requiring
love desperate kid

only because i am letting myself

what about those who do
love you? you are doing them an injustice

to those people
i know i am
i have messed up
so much of that
that i cannot face it
i cannot
which is why
another conversation with my friend, a real friend
Sir B Jun 2013
So. Tired.
Must. Stay. Awake.
I. Promised.... you.........


****, fine. 5 minutes....

True. I stay awake when I need to. Or when I promise someone.
Sir B Jun 2013

I have feelings that just cannot be expressed. :(
Sir B Jul 2013
You see.
We all have them
Either confused

I have fallen in love
Not because
I am reckless
And someone
Who loves and throws things away
That's a confusion

I have fallen in love
Because of self less respect
And because
I awe
And admire

I respect you
I not just yearn
I want you
To have the best

Hope you do
That love

*Amor vincit omnia
(Writing after a while, may be bad!!)
Had fun at my camp
Nice little mini vacation
Back to reality
Sir B Jul 2013
I know
You aren't home often
But I miss you
We don't talk
We don't hang out often
I wish we do!

This weekend
How about we go shopping?
That should get us closer
I hope..
It's not a late Father's Day poem, my father does not work in the army either.. He is a loving,caring dad. :)
Sir B Jan 2014
I looked into some
Crystal clear blue eyes
Yes. They did remind me of you
But I decided not to dwell on that

And.. I have also realized that
Loving someone..
Isn't the same
I realize that you read
These well-penned verses
But, you are missing the point
These aren't all of my emotions.

Most of them.
This is driving me crazy, even before it started. Knew it would be a failed plan either ways, I think i have a good relationship with failing and doing things the are proclaimed impossible and un-do-able
Sir B Apr 2014
You know
I found out
I have
dead imagination??

This is a serious problem
someone killed it
I don't know who
But someone did
and that's a problem
Need to revive my imagination
need to draw, paint, play

Revive  *it
Chatting with a friend and they ask me to draw something/anything on my hand.. and then I realize I have a dead imagination.. now, I have to change that
Sir B Aug 2013
I want it
I just want to drown
In it
Drown so badly
And keep singing
The same verses
Over and over
Till my throat
Is dying for water

Death by music
Is viable
Something at midnight again, hope you enjoyed.
Sir B Aug 2013
He is gone
to live in an afterworld
with greater riches
than what you can make
in a lifetime

We are still alive
and using his riches
but that doesn't mean he cant
watch over us?
or can he?

But hey..
atleast he has better music
to listen to..
Really bored, so thought of this while listening to the Approaching Nirvana soundtrack..

Evolve - Death of a King   by Approaching Nirvana
Sir B Dec 2013
Oh the delicious cheese!
Its soo tasty!

Its comes with toppings!
to help you eat more

so you can be satisfied
and hopefully not hungry anymore
they bring it to you
on time

so you can enjoy the deliciousness
of this modern marvel.

and eat more.
Hello!!! Recently have not been writing much due to a few things that i am trying to clean up in my life. Just wanted to ask a question.. how many times have **you** people misspelled. I seem to be doing that SO MANY TIMES. Is something the matter?
Sir B Jun 2013
Love is such a bad thing
I had to use hyped powers
to show that I was fine, when i was not

Everything decides to go ape-****
all the **** time

This is annoying

I like you! Please. How many times do i need to do this?
Give me a specific number and stop hating passionately.

It pains to know that I like you
but finding out that you hate me
Dreaming is good but real life is filled with too many "real" things.
Sir B Jun 2013
If this is your desire
you shall get it.... soon
That's what happens always, well... not **always**
Sir B Dec 2013
have i found you?
have i finally found love?
after a long time of nothingness
is this it?

a person
who actually sees the true me?
a person who gives me butterflies,
when I talk to them
someone I can take to the Netherlands with me?
Or just talk about the most random things
and it would still be okay

Have I found thee?
Or am I hallucinating?
I feel like I found you
A magnificent person
An indescribable human being
With great intelligence
Who enjoys being themselves
And doesn't mind talking to a lame kid
I think you are it
I feel like I found someone
To obsess over
Just wrote something to ease myself off of the headache and to focus on the better things in life... Have a nice vacation everyone! :)
Sir B Nov 2014
Being so happy for once
on a monday that too,
that you forget about everything
actually get work done
and talk to people
but then end up lying
and talking about things
and breaking promises

On a monday too,
and realizing the grave mistake that you have made
just before sleeping
and then staying up all night

Going to school on tuesday
understanding the full extent of the mistake
and then refusing and preventing yourself
from talking to anyone
you know!
that you will ***** something up
be in worse trouble

just the magnitude
of the mistake is unrecognizable
unless seen from the eyes of the person
that actually spoke to you
and seeing tears, barely
about to fall and understanding
that you ****** up
and its not the first time either
I ******* up again, like **** it. November 18th 2014
It was a great monday, until I realized my mistake at 11pm.
Sir B Mar 2014
This whole system
hating yourself
or trying to **** yourself
is more accepted
than loving yourself?

I am not just being cynical
I am trying to provoke thoughts
no-one is taking any action on this
that people find it more
socially acceptable
saying you are suicidal
than they do when you say
"i love myself"

I find it wrong
but i can't do anything about it
can i.
Though this poem highlights the things wrong, I am actually knee deep and just cannot control my emotions. I feel suicidal too often sometimes. It's not good, but I really don't know what to do...
Sir B Jun 2013
Those people
Who have look alikes
Not twins, I warn you

Are evil
They possess powers
A vicious smile

Their eyes are empty
They ****** with inhumane speed
And they live...

.....with us, amongst us here
on the
Just a quick poem put together about doppelgangers from "172 hours on the moon". The book is pretty scary..

Another poem will be up soon, inspiration from the same book.
Sir B Jul 2013
Have I done anything
To appear in your dreams?

Are you positive?
I remember late might talks
My mind telling me
You dream about me
I have protected myself
From girls who like me
Because of my style
Not because of my personality

Personality equaling
True sense
My inner laughter
My real thoughts
Not my fake smile
The real me
Is known
To few

Not someone
Who would
Flirt and be thrown away later
That's not me
I am better
I can decide
You girls
Who will be unnamed
Don't you dare
Try anything
I know what love is
You don't want love
You just want fun
I don't
Leave me alone
And let me be
If I need someone to love
We shall see
In due time..
My friends know about the unnamed girl,
I feel this poem is better than the first one
Sir B Mar 2014
The worst form
of a dystopia
is the utmost
While talking to Jack, the subject of utopias/dystopias came about and then we discussed and came to the point where the worst forms of dystopias are unfortunately utopias.
Sir B Jan 2014
Sorry for the lack of anything.
I am going crazy
you know
new year
and other fun stuff

Enjoy your year

The page is 1/365
Write a new story worth reading. I promise it will be interesting, and also trudge through another year again, please. Don't **** yourself. I know i want to. But, again. I made it through you can as well. So, please. Go onwards to glory and live another year! *DO EET!!!
How ****** evil am I you ask. Oh you know. Not much... definitely not much.
Sir B Apr 2015
Your smiling face

is like a diamond

in the rain..

This one song, Electric Love by Borns is just to good.
Sir B Sep 2013
Let's go
Let's get it going
We are en route to lovecity!!

Everyone loves each other there
and they enjoy it
Everyone's beautiful
Including you
Yes, you

Over there
In lovecity
I can be Romeo and you
can be Juliet
or any other characters from
a romance story

Over there
In lovecity
You can have dances
every weekend
to celebrate your love
and to celebrate the occasion
Oh man. This poem. You decrypt it, because I am already there.
Sir B Jun 2013
Let's do it!
Let's be loved
by everyone
and love them back
because everyone is beautiful

Let's be in love forever
so we will need each other to survive

Let's be in love
so we don't need to face our fears alone
let's be in love.
like there is no tomorrow
Sir B Aug 2013
Sun shines
Happy and bright
Flowers bloom
Smiles spread
Everything's beautiful
A "happy" poem, may be followed by a grim one sooner or later..
Sir B Mar 2013
Explain to me
What love means?
Is it talking to you when you are feeling sad?
Is it helping you through your suffering?
Explain in your own terms if possible! :P
Sir B Feb 2014
I feel dead with the pain
that i am going through with
no dreaming
no sanity
only pain
relentless and numbing pain

I am going dead
I am dying with this
i don't want to die.
The pain.. its troublesome and I don't know what its doing to my mind.
Sir B May 2013
Out he came
out of the womb
his first life..
First 10w poem ever written by me, responses and suggestions are appreciated
Sir B Oct 2013
Tall flames,
bright red and orange
blue in the center
and white in midst
they burn till dawn
another object
has fallen

They burn
bright and strong
for a couple hours
then just die
For no
Sad and not so joyous, i suppose. There's just so many people trying to get me. Tough with school and life clashing.. but whatever. Not intended to show any figures.. but anything you perceive.
Sir B Jan 2014
I will always
be late to the party
Just because

That's human nature
No, I am actually punctual and forever on time, just that today was very hectic, (it's a Saturday! Guess what happened) and I didn't win anything, nothing, I felt from the start I wouldn't, something was off about today but I didn't have the courage to tell my partner, oh well. First time all losses for me…
Sir B Dec 2013
You are the one I love,
Then tell him so.
Tell Tom that you don't love him

No, I cannot.
Because I love both of you!

Stop romanticizing the past either.
Its gone, I know you want to erase it
but its gone, its the past.
Just lets live together.
Please. We can do this.

*A part of the whole play
Watched a live play, titled "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It was done by my school members. Wonderful play. I loved it and so did my friends, who I went with.
Sir B Jun 2013
I met a ******* my bus home
She was different
She had a piercing in her nose
A black leather jacket
Black open toad shoes
Blue jeans
and a cup of coffee!

She looks so beautiful

Her face told you different stories
Her face was sad
Sadder than the moon
Her auburn hair was all up in her face
She clutched her iPhone tightly
waiting for someone to call..
But there was no call

She waited and waited
until my stop came
Then I left the bus
I don't know what happened next
but we can all hope for the best..
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