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Sir B Dec 2013
'Twas a good game
But now I

Goodbye and ***** you for tricking me.
You will pay, but not yet
Pained hurt everything you can think of that sad and evil… I will be leaving poetry and quit being on these accounts. If you would like to know my new and other account which might come alive. Ask, otherwise, patience.… it'll get you very far in life
Sir B Aug 2013
I overlooked so many people
For you
The answer was a no

I think
You don know
What I overcame
So it'll be a mystery
For you

Why everyone wants you
Obviously it's your choice in the end
But it doesn't hurt
To steal tiny glimpses

So I proposed
To myself
Lets go back
And apologize
To a few people
Who are kind of hurt

I know what I'll do
In the next few weeks.
Wrote it at 9 pm (not midnight!! Woooo) either ways, I need to mend a few mistakes/ things I did, trying to love someone... Need to help those who were broken by my behavior. Hope you guys take care and not overlook a few things.

Sir B Jul 2013
Happy birthday America!
You earn it
Being the best in everything
Being free for 237 years
Being the first colony to separate from Great Britain
Being the land of the free
Helping people worldwide
Winning two World Wars
Helping practice democracy
You are the best after all.
Good job and....
Enjoy your birthday
4th of July is the Independence day of America from Great Britain and it occurred in the year of 1776.
Sir B Jan 2015
My heart twisted and turned
Convulsing erratically with acidic love
Hello. Its not that grotesque, just a break from midterms.
Sir B Jan 2014
I love you too much
too much

head is filled with moments
i could and would
have done differently
greeted myself better

but that's the past
not to be confused with the present
I am similar to an
who you know
loves her

but is too scared to do anything
because he doesn't know how
and because he doesn't want to
hurt you

he just wants
to love faithfully

from a teenager?!
what are we reading here?
science fiction?

but it is true
i **** at telling you
that my heart aches
at your thoughts
and when your name is uttered
tears me up

because i know
i did nothing to help
or did nothing to show my love

I just

let you sit there and cry
shame on me
for not doing anything
for ruining his moment
i cannot do much
to change the past
but i hope
that after you move
or I move

you will find someone better than me
I am not the best
cannot be
never was
I was just a re-incarnation
of my soul
who is very kind to people
and just as protective and shy
lies in my birth sign

Just never wanted to do anything
but love someone wholeheartedly
that's not something that will
happen so I need to let that fantasy go
but its a hard habit to break
when you are already knee deep into it
This is a repost, sorry for deleting the first one.Wrote this when my headache was on. I truly am sad for not doing anything and for ruining his moment. I just have this bad luck, that when something good will happen to someone, i break something 10x worse to them. Just my bad luck which won't leave me. I can apologize all I want, it won't change the past, which is the most depressing part. I just, **** at loving and telling someone I love them a lot.
Sir B Mar 2014
My heart hurts
But this time
I know the reason
Was playing tennis and my wonderful, no sarcasm, opponent accidently hit me with a tennis ball.... Ouch…
Sir B Jan 2014
How harsh does it get you say?
oh, nothing much.
Just have to find the correct person

**haha.. correct person
11 hrs outside of house debating does this to my mind and makes me sadder
Sir B Apr 2013
I open my laptop and type a few words
But they don’t fit even one bit
Tap, tap, tap, I delete the phrase
and I think as I sit how I **** at this ****

I can't find the letters that would work together
I try to say the things that I need to
but all that I write is as good as a broken kite
and I think as I sit how I **** at this ****

The lights glare around me and I try to focus on the screen
I lean on the soft sofa sitting so still
The words are just devils trying to **** they poke me with their horns and claws as they scratch me from hell
and I think as I sit how I **** at this ****

I spell out a rhyme and it just takes all my time
I might be my own worst critic but **** this **** is pathetic
the words are as bumpy and misshapen as guards
and I think as I sit how I **** at this ****

I work and work to no avail
I type a bit and then I stop and restart this cycle
click click click then delete, tat tat tat then delete, tap tap tap then delete and start over again
This is harder than making a dandelion turn into a roaring lion

I look around for advice and find someone to ask
I show my mom what I've written 'it's great' she responds
***** please I say nobody will be blown away
and I think as I sit how I **** at this ****

I focus on making the poetry about me
and some things come to mind and I begin to poke at the keyboard,
a blind man trying to make his way on a path
I look at what I've written and then I say aloud
aww **** its about a duck
and I think as I sit how I **** at this ****
A poem by my friend Sean. I thought I would publish it. He wrote the whole poem mind you.
Sir B Jun 2013
Care for them
They are alive!!
They yearn for love
They yearn for your love

Give them water
Give them air
fresh air is considered best

And finally give them land
Loads of it
A little different from the usual poems
Sir B Jan 2014
The past made the present you,
but don't let it change the future you,
the future you can still change*

Things are affecting me.
Sir B Jul 2013
I am already sleepy
It's not even midnight
Lord Hypnos has already cast his spell on me
I am tired of staying awake
Can you forgive me?
That ways I can rest
No, it's not meant to be taken that way. And yes. I still ask for forgiveness.

Sir B Apr 2014
I let my friends cry
help them cry

depress them
everything but make them happy

i am a bad friend.


I wish i changed some things
so i was better
just thoughts..
Sir B Sep 2014
everyone is meant for someone
And people find them

But not me
Because i am just evil inside out
Knowing what needs to be done
But not acting on it
Knowing how it should be done
But failing at it

I am but evil inside and out
Just emotions. This refers to things like XC, Homecoming, exams, everything
Sir B Jul 2013
I am sorry for being me
I am sorry for being a ****
I am sorry for being obsessed about you
I am sorry for being in love
I am sorry for being stupid
I am sorry for being a pain
I am sorry for being suicidal
I am sorry for being everything everyone dislikes
I apologize for everything that I have done.
I don't understand anything.
I am sorry.
I hope you can forgive me...
I hope you decide to forgive me and everyone who reads it too, if you don't... Well, I can't do anything about it.
Sir B Nov 2013
You can do it
I did it,
It's possible
A word prompt by my sister. Yes. I do have a sister.
Sir B Jun 2013
I dreamt
about being in a
You weren't there...
I don't have a lot of dreams, but when I do.. They are like the one above. So weird!
Sir B Jun 2013
you know what?
You are not worthy of me

I feel myself compelled to like you
and provide you with happiness
but you decide to not like it

you decide to be yourself, secluded
and unloved from someone who actually desires you

Fine, it was your choice.
But remember forever. That I like, love you.

I dont know for how long.
But forever is the perfect choice for right now.
Sir B Jul 2013
I fall in love with the sound of the rain as it hits my window pane
It comforts me as I lye in bed at night and reflect on all that is dead

I fall in love with you as the snow falls lightly, and embrace every moment that we spent together.

I fall in love with the crinkle in your noise
The one that slowly appears every time you smile that brilliant smile and laugh that wondrous laugh

I fall in love whilst talking to you,
The way you talk, laugh makes my day so much better!

I fall in love with the smile of a stranger on the street
When they give me a gentle beam as our eyes meet
In that moment I don't feel so lonely

I fall in love with the way you run
The rhythmic beating and the sweat,
They help me decode your personality from stranger to bff

I fall in love with the cool side of my pillow on a hot summers night
When my body is begging for relief from the summer heat and it thoughtfully accommodates my pleas

I fall in love with rhythmic waves from the ocean Poseidon sends us,
It gives me a reason to hug you when you get cold

I fall in love with the sunset, each time I lay my eyes on it
As the sun slowly sinks into horizon to create such a sublime image
My eyes always dazzled more and more each time

*My parts are in bold for easier identification.
This poem is the collaborative effort of Claire E and myself. It was fun working on it, and there may be more to follow, stay tuned! If you would like to see her page      <- Click that
Sir B Jun 2013
nothing would change,
everything would go on
as usual
people would get back to their lives
would be little mourning

demons would have won

The good side of the world
would have lost a soldier
not that he was brave
but courageous
someone who would literally die
for you

Nothing would be lost

and life would resume
as though nothing ever happened.
Sir B Jul 2013
If words were arrows
My heart would have too many..
I am in some serious sad moods these days..
Sir B Sep 2013
Its the same old rant
I suppose
I am sad
Not just about grades
but about everything
about me
about myself
about my attitude
just about everything

I dislike myself
I said I wouldn't do this
But its back here again
Can't really say anything.. I may have to reiterate it but.. I don't find myself worthy
Sir B Sep 2013
Hold it high
Let everyone see it
The illuminating torch
Who is making everyone smile

Let them see the source
Who is bringing wondrous joy
and a means of working in the night
Shine it bright
Crank it to the highest output
Shine it towards everyone
Search for the lost ring
Search for gold
Search what you want
But remember
to keep the torch light
and illuminate
those people
with the
that you possess
A poem requested by PositivePoetry. Just something I was asked to write.. hope you guys had a nice day, I had a wonderful day with homework.. Pax, and sweet dreams! =)
Sir B Jul 2013
His knuckles turned white
Yet he refused to let go
He is laughing with his inner soul
Yet no recognizes it

Is something the matter?
Then why are you laughing like a madman?
Its laughter from the inner soul.. fool


*This is true. The people who tell us the truth, are called TERRORISTS or THREAT TO THE NATION just because they have the ability to tell the world what the government is actually doing, whatever happened to free speech...
I can safely say. I have gone insane with poetry. I have been reading a lot of news hence the above poem. Everything is under defined in our world now...
Sir B May 2013
Let me cry my tears out
Let me feel pain
Let me suffer
Because there aren't enough self-sacrificing
Let me offer myself as the sacrifice
I shall protect you
Do you not remember?
I told you that a while back

Just think of me
I will be there for you
I promise.
Remember my promise, because I wont forget mine or yours
Sir B Aug 2013
I refuse to hear
everything bad they tell about you
Yes, what they say is bad
It's unethical of them to do so
They don't even know you
They don't talk to you often.
Yet. They dare to speak evil of you
How mean indeed.

I never did like them
and talking like that of someone..

It is no doubt now
No wonder. Anything I do
or the people I like do
It turns evil.
Its just a matter of *time
I don't even know.. Bad things are seeking me out at this rate.
Sir B Mar 2014
Its always the conclusion that matters
because if you don't have a strong conclusion
then you won't have a strong effect
on the people who just read it

and thus;
in the conclusion

It was I
who ruined me
I messed with the minds of me
while myself was busy being myself
it ruined itself too
myself hurt himself
so badly
it was never to be his own self again
myself became suicidal

while I kept ruining me
me was getting bullied by I
but myself did nothing to help me
because it had his own self to worry about
I tortured me
with thoughts of unrelenting pain
and loss of memory
me had to oblige because it
couldn't overpower I without the help of myself

In the conclusion,
I ruined me
myself ruined himself.
*Might not be the best*

I found a quote on tumblr and I took inspiration of it..
I have homework and school to manage
write another poem later...

Have a good day!

*March 6th 2014, 20:44*
Sir B Dec 2013
Worst part?
I am no-ones first thought

****** ME!!
******** Me** -- A sub-entry.

Come watch the play,
murderous and horrendous it may be,
still one of the best,
come watch and learn,
rejoice for you will be never be,
one of my first thoughts,
come watch the play,
murderous and horrendous it may be,
come watch the play,
where we ****** ourselves,
come watch the play,
murderous and horrendous it might make thee.  

A sub-entry. Not exactly in the best of the moods now, am I?
Sir B Sep 2013
I told them
not to love me

I told you
I shan't love
anyone else

**Of course
Something quick, short. Hard times with school.. and little sadness... nothing major though!
Enjoy the weekend, pax.
Sir B Jul 2014
I found out today
That I carry around chainmail
Similar to the Knights during The Middle Ages
But its more unreal
It protects me
And tells me not to spill my emotions
Similar to protecting the knight

It holds everything throughout the day
And at night
Everything within me crumbles.
I take off this "chainmail"
And i go into those dark alleys of my mind
Some with no escape
I try escaping with my plentiful books
They sometimes work

Other times its hell upon myself
My friends, and i regret it every time
But its a cycle I fail to stop
Unlike my real bike which failed me yesterday

This chainmail, its good and all
But I wish I didnt have to remove it
I dont want to make my friends suffer
But they still do.
I learnt to bottle it up…
Like thats going to help.

Just, need kevlar or something
This thought came to me this morning July 1st 2014, so yea. US lost in FIFA, guess that could be expected.
Sir B Jan 2014
It's happening again
I am spiraling down
Feeling like I am losing memory
Feeling like being a useless
Oxygen consumer

It's happening again
My life being ******* up
Me going and knocking
On the doors I said I wouldn't

It's finally happened
I am there
Everything was blurry
But I am there
Just to sadden everyone.… I am never okay, never have been… everyday feels horrible.… no sleep just study and stay up never sleeping because I fear losing my memories.
Sir B Mar 2014
It is hard
living for another person
knowing that if you lose hope
then they will as well
You are their lifeline
The external soul
of a dead person
trying to keep them
alive and make sure
they are good and
don't try anything stupid
That's tough.
And to top that off
you only have one chance
and you cannot afford to fail at your job
one mistake and both of you tumble
and it might result in the end of one of you
It's hard living for someone else
But some people still do it
and we need to help them

easier to die for someone

Its actually easy saying you will jump
in front of a bullet or a roof
to save someone else

**Hard living for someone else
I don't have anyone to live for.. this poem was not the desired end result, but I just wanted to put it out there that its hard living for someone else.. the post was on tumblr
Sir B Apr 2014
Its like nothing
I am always insulted
Always told how I ****
I am horrible
Don't listen
never understand
know nothing

But I do know things
i am better
i listen.

but its all a waste
because inner part of me
wants to crumble and die
to end the suffering.
just, don't console me.
Sir B Jul 2013
Its every man for himself
Humanity has unresolved issues
Usually I take the brunt
Of every wrongdoing
Apparently its always me

We all know
One day
We shall perish
Leaving behind
A legacy
How you choose
To remember me
Someone else
Is your choice

If we all are to perish
Why not quicken up
This process
That can take
A whole century..

**Why not quicken it??
Sorry for the sad mood/ I couldn't help it.
I suppose I feel
Miserable right now..
Sir B Apr 2014
I want to melt away
anything but live

I have done no good
troubled people
hurt them
been cruel to myself
nothing right

I just want to melt
in the shadows
the lonely places
on the tennis courts

don't want to live
I want to melt
Realized I troubled her, a lot. Realized that I should leave and not bother anyone. Realized I should just give up on it. Realized I am never getting to my goal. Realized that I am just a waste. Realized a lot of things.
Sir B Jun 2013
Are you listening to me?
Look me in the eyes.

I will wait for you

Let it snow, rain, heavy rain, sun, near death

Believe in me, that's all I would ask of you
It doesn't cost a lot

If you do believe/ or do not

I will still be waiting.

At the spot you ask of me
I will maintain the same patience when you met me
I will wait for you like everyday.

Just.. Believe in me, that's all I demand.
Is it inspirational enough? I can write more!!
Sir B May 2013
I am just a useless metal
probably kryptonite
hated by the person
who is loved the most

I am probably kryptonite
known to everyone
but hated by all

Maybe you should join the troupe
and start hating me
because that's all my world lacks
more haters..
I will not lie. But I am actually annoying and I am horrible at everything. So even after that you care about me. I will call you a true friend, and promise to protect you for as long as I possibly can with all my heart.
Sir B Aug 2013
Another mistake
That's all I can do...
Can't do anything right
Only mistakes
Happen from my hands
Fatalities and über mistakes
One of them
Meeting people

I  have met so many people
They all move around
Like they know their purpose
Me being lost as usual
I mean
When have I done anything right??!???

Nothing I remember of..
Not that I remember anything either

May everyone enjoy
Their life
Whilst watching me
****** myself
It shall be a grand show
I am deleting this poem sooner or later, not that it matters... Really, it doesn't
Sir B Jan 2014
That's what I have become

If you just suddenly stop talking
and then you realize that you have hurt me
you show up to apologize profusely
yes, i understand
but I know why you left
and i know you have things to attend to
that's why i don't take it to the heart
but everyone just apologizes

I understand
I really do
I don't want to become a burden for anyone
where you have to apologize
every. time.

I feel being a burden
and i don't like that feeling

I hate being someone who is freeloading
or not contributing to the effort
I don't want to be a burden
I can carry tremendous loads
I have enough intelligence to detect
me being a burden

Don't keep apologizing profusely
I understand your reasons
It was partly my fault for not replying
which is why you left
You shouldn't apologize
I should!
Just a rant, and me being me, committing mistakes and forgetting things way too often.
Sir B Oct 2013
Yes, I understand.

My presence does nothing
I know
Just. Why are you after me! I am not good enough. (I am sorry for comparing myself) Please. I am not in a good situation to deal with it right now. I have addressed it to you multiple times. If it doesn't suffice. Read the link below.

Just. I am not okay with this thing. Yes. I would like to be loved for. But its a fantasy for me.
Sir B Jun 2014
I realized a lot of things
For one- Running helps
Two- late nights are reserved
Three- summer is here
Four- i cannot rhyme
Five- what am i doing

Six- i shall see you later
The worst thing i have written. Ever.
Sir B Jan 2014
Learned so much more today
fluke of conversation
turned out to be worth it

in the end
been better than I have
survived more
endured more

i thought i was
the one in peril
I misunderstood

I never even
or gave
anything to you

i didn't promise to help
didn't follow through anything
hurt you more

all the more reason for
me to apologize to you

ooh, I don't like the feel of this
I should have realized
i didn't


**Sincerest Apologies
Yes, you would know on instance its about you, written on the night of 6th January 2014 at 23:01 (finished). Sincerest Apologies and I cannot do this enough. So much hurt and pain, and discomfort. I.. have forever hurt myself now, and you too. Apologies.
Sir B Jan 2014
I am afraid
To be told that I am not cool enough

Call it societal conformity
i thought i already told it a no
but i think it didn't hear me correctly

But those thoughts keep haunting me
not to be left behind
don't do stupid things


its a huge mess
and can't clear it
but I just feel like a
seeker of attention

how much worse can it get?
very. much.
i would recommend... nothing really. I won't recommend anything because then it sounds like a command and I already have enough commands to follow and sort out, hope you have a better day.

good morning and its friday, Jan 24th 2014
Sir B Nov 2013
Raindrops dripping from the cold skies
Rain falling around us
Just a light drizzle
and us standing under the rain
just, standing
and looking at each other
removing all imperfections
and just staring at each others eyes
and rejoicing everything,

Rain drips down your,
hair, soaking wet
I am soaking too
but we look at each others eyes
Light Blue and Dark Brown
and just kiss
standing under the rain
under the cloudy skies
and kiss
with our hands intertwined
and still soaking

*We enjoy the moment
Just some poetry inspired by friends and the weather outside, I would love to know of someone who would stand outside in the rain with me.. I love the rain, especially the light drizzles. I do know of someone, but unlikely they would like to stand out in the rain.. with me. Anyway, light drizzles are amazingg.

Anddd, I cannot stand with not writing poetry. I have to. I am having nightmares and crazy bursts of emotions. This is one of my few ways to control it. If you have a problem with me... i seriously think you should get used to it.
Sir B Feb 2014
My heart is hurting
every. single. day.

That's unfortunate
I thought I taught myself
to live without talking to you
for a while...

Guess my heart
just adores you..
and misses you
My first poem with this new format, February 7th 2014. I don't exactly love this format.. I guess its fine though.

Anyways, I do have this pain and it hurts a lot, so much that I cannot focus. Happens way too occasionally. I jokingly say that its due to the absence of love, but we know better right?
Sir B Jun 2013
He will forever stand there
Guarding that piece of treasure

He will stand there lonely
He will stand there brave
He will stand there striking fear in the enemies

He will stand there.
Swords Raised
Shields drawn in front
Knives on sides
Battle Armor in position

That templar will protect the treasure
It is his duty
It is his choice
It is his life

And he will annihilate
and ******
to retrieve it
if stolen

The lonely templar
has seen the truth
and is still living

you haven't
so stop complaining about life.
Very random at end, I understand.
Sir B Jun 2013
There stands a lonely warrior
Unheard of.
Unknown of.
On his ships mast on the Mare Nostrum

He dared to endure it.
He dared to land into the sea of the Gods.
He dared to fight back their demons.
On the cost of his life.

He was the most daring of them all.
He was the beginning of his kind.
His courage was unmatched. He was better than Ares, himself.
He was going to defeat those demons. NOW.

He would defeat them,
but not just yet.
First he had to go through the sirens.

Their beautiful music
ohhh, it would enchant any sailor.
His first test would begin if he could get past them.
Their music would tear his heart apart
and if he landed on the shore
He would be ripped apart.

Next would be a few water monsters
Hydras, few land monsters
Then the demons
He would be prepared for them.

HE would take them down like.. Julius drinking his wine
But until he reached them.
He had time
Time to *prepare himself for what lay ahead
Inspiration from Percy Jackson series, though changed if you read the book. Also symbolizes my life a tiny bit! :P
Sir B Mar 2014
I fell again
From the mile high city for her
Then realized she was elsewhere
And started my journey west from US
Wen across the pacific
And found everyone making love
But not the person who i fell for
Continuing west
I reached Europe
And found beautiful
Landscapes and wondrous cuisine
Wonderful people
And stunningly beautiful natural history museums
Still not the beautiful lady

I then realized she was probably close by
Near where i started
So i made the daring flight
Across the Atlantic
While flying
I became even more lonely
And pondered
"What would i say to my lady once i meet her?"
I left those thoughts aside and
Looked around to see if i was close to home
And in that moment, my heart fell away and went into the enormous ocean..…

I continued now without hope
Reached my place
And looked around
Sure, i found her
The beautiful person
So stunningly wonderful
Artemis would be jealous.
I tried to tell her my emotions
My ever powerful love

Which took me around the world
But when she asked for my heart,
I couldn't contain myself
And told her of my tale
She listened and sympathized
But couldn't help
And then
I fell down
Only to be revived by her
Who told me, she still loved me
That revived my soul
And i found my heart
Quickly after
Only to realize

It was a dream…
Easily weird. Do tell me if you have a better title. Otherwise. I have to sleep and Beware the Ides of March!!!
Sir B Apr 2014

About you and death
about love and indifference
about life
about the world
about myself
about everything

it doesn't feel good..
i have started feeling more "empty" and lonely and i have to control myself from doing idiotic acts. It's a struggle now... but, again, it always has been...
Sir B Aug 2013
I know who we are now
we are lovebirds
we were lovebirds

But now
we are set free
you were free

I don't see a way
Out of here anymore
IS there a way out?
Bored, sleepy, this short/bitter. Not something i would write often.. heartaches thinking about those moments.
Sir B Jun 2013
Love me! Beautiful maiden of love.
Love me! For once!
Is it a good start for a few more "love" poems?
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