There is nothing quite like the feeling
Of having security, in love,
You always know where you stand
Whenever push comes to shove.
An infinite ocean
With no shore in site,
A beacon of guiding light
On the darkest scary night.
A rainbow that magically appears
To brighten a mentally hard,
Exhausting, challenging day,
A radiant, glowing sunshine
To keep you warm - come what may.
An umbrella
To keep you dry
Whenever bad weather may arise,
An abundance of pure love
Reflected from the most trusted eyes.
A tender loving embrace
That speaks volumes
Saying "I'm here,
I completely understand,"
Knowing that you will always have
A strong hand to hold
Whenever you feel all alone,
Or if you ever feel like your sinking
In quicksand.
There is nothing quite like the feeling
Of having security, in love,
A blessing,
A precious gift
Sent from Our Merciful God,
Up above.
By Lady R.F ©2017