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shyguypoetry Sep 2016
Freedom isn’t free

Thank you, we will remember

Silent, we salute
shyguypoetry Sep 2016
graveyards are peaceful.

zombies are never happy,

ghosts cannot be held
shyguypoetry Sep 2016
How can, if neva

If no go, neva know how  

No sked, go rush um
shyguypoetry Sep 2016
bees fly aimlessly,

never smelling the flowers.

Except for lilies…
shyguypoetry Sep 2016
Waves torment the sand,

pulling back, always running

empty shore, naked
shyguypoetry Sep 2016
Dear girl I’m too shy to talk to,

 I know, I know nothing about you...
And we have nothing in common
But this moment,
and this moment is fleeting,
and my heart is beating out of my chest.

And I don't mean to be creepy...
but I wish seconds could last longer
because when you walked into the room,
I swear time slowed, and perhaps even froze.
But in that moment,
the room was filled with your presence
that radiated from you essence while I melted into the pool of nervousness
into the cracks of my subconscious.

See, I wish we were 5,
At least that way I could tell you I liked you
by hitting you,
I could tell you how much, by how hard,
without saying a single word or emotion.

I wish I could just say what's on my mind...
But you are so stunning,
and I'm trying to be cunning,
But instead I stand here like a mute, Speechless. Once I heard that 98% of human communication is nonverbal so,
I were a bear, I could show you I care,
With my little boy stare.
I stand before you, a mouse.

I hope you didn't catch me staring  But its just a bad habit...
Like a smoker longing for one last kiss  from a burnt cigarette,
I just can't help it.

See, they say that the eyes are the windows to the soul,
then in that sense,
I'd be like lil Romeo,
On my knees throwing you soft glances,
that flutter like you eyelashes in the wind,
trying to catch your glances with butterfly nets as they flutter around the room.
Like the ones that fly around in my belly,
you make me so bashful.

Even in my head, I’m tripping over my words like a one legged hurdler,
and I honestly don't know what I’d say...

My eyes haven’t even crossed yours,
and yet I’m trying to find the right words to open with.  
But, it's like attempting build words out of Scrabble tiles without consonances.
So my brain is left with  "I-E-O-A-U?"

I’m sorry for being such a dork, But you make me feel small, lost, and even confused.  
You make my knees knock while I seek safety from behind the legs of my confidence...

And as the clock strikes 12 on this fairy tail tragedy,
If I were going to say something, say anything...

I’m not quite sure what it would be,
But it would start with something like,  
"Hi,  my name is Ryan,
and I think you’re beautiful"
shyguypoetry Sep 2016
he says, "i love you"

goodbyes are not my forte...

"i love you too, dude"

— The End —