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When all is black and tattooed.
There is no problem for me to spot even a tiniest light.
How can I love, shard of beast in thee
there is , myself more,  but never me.
annihilates the will, body decides
wicked or debility, mind resigns.
Summer nights with you
got me feeling like
I have so much to pour out
World seems less cruel
The nights that left you with
a feeling, that we could live once again
and the endless chats felt
like a merging of souls
so baby girl
I really hope
it will swallow us whole.
Sitting under the tree
Smelling of a fresh mowed grass
Running along the river
I can hear the wind blowing
behind my ears
Listening to the Coltrane every
morning when I wake up
those are the pleasures
of my life, I thought.
Thought  boat has finally
set the fine course
Thought I've
reached it.

Still there is a lone bird
chirping deep inside.
Singing a new song
every time
I forget.

I think it's fine that
he is down there
I really don't know
what my life
would be
without him.
There are some bottles that cannot be filled enough.
They sit there every day, every night stabbing us and reminding.
All day we try to replenish them, but it wont matter.
Born just to die
that's the poets curse,
to note down words from
the chat with the universe

As we are watching
the bloodstains to dry out
Bull's eye is the answer, go ahead,
try to find out.
Sometimes I fell in love with
this lady in a black dress

I wish you would never get to know
her, cause her garden is a mess

Skin pale white as a moondust
nothing seductive, i know

Still there are nights with her,
which only her body can bring lust

However, if you spend too many nights
with her, I must warn you well

Nights will turn into days
That is her ultimate spell.
What are we without disguise?

Are we to become our deepest dread
just to crush the man we fear?

If that is what we must seek
then tremble, tremble before
the break of the day

for we are mere children

children of the ******
nehasnoucí chtíč, to jest tá pohonná hmota
bez ní sme jako hvězdy bez vodíku
nemůžem vybuchnout a ovplivnit vesmír kolem nás
Flames so high, so hot
that they turn green
and blue;
I hope darling
I really do
that you realize
that's the way i feel
for you
So much thrive
never ending
quest for the
that we do
my love
we do
for the vast and divine world
around us
that gave us life and keeps us
do not get me wrong darling
i just wanna say;
is a wonderful
Perhaps, looking at the peak of the mountain can sometimes shroud the very present path only man can walk.
Blurry nights lying
dead on beach
enlightened by
.. we
loved so
flowers on the bed
covered by torn
papers full of regrets
that we made
timeless night covers
all our fragile bodies
to keep us warm
nights freezing cold
white roses withered
playing that bitter sweet
symphony as I am climbing
over the walls of our demise
to watch us perish
I feel no regrets
just wanted to thank you
for the light and joy

that I was able to fill
the space between your lines

for the wisdom

sincere love

Being among books
with music
always satisfied me
I had that feeling
of belonging

Listening to piano
put me to the right
mood when I was
Cold sad keys kept
my mind at peace
but even
sad poet needs a
wild dancer

Sax seduced me,
lifted me up
to the streets
the winds
by my side.


The ferocity
connected the last
two into complete

Reality is gorgeous
So what is it?
It is the only type of insanity
that's socially accepted.
You and me
warm bodies
even warmer thoughts
my legs are tired
your throat sore
from ice cream
we just ate
I stopped you
in a middle of a sentence
because I have a stone
loaded in my chest
a heart of stone
then i treat you like a porcelain
don't wanna leave any scratch
on your troubled soul
so I wont ask you straight question
that pierces thru body
like spotlight on a top of your head
'cause I know, you have no answer
so I will remain in solitude
like I always do
getting stronger
getting number
getting tired..
everything is the way we look at it
always strive for things that you love
Make anything that you love
as real as you can
put your heart and soul into it
make it tangible
make it alive!

accomplish these
Your eternal dance begins
"At the end,
when all sinful eyes were pointed
at me. I didn't flee, I didn't turned my back.
I pushed the boulder, even though I knew that the very truth I fought for will be my doom, thus your redemption"
-'' Master! I've felt it again..
I've skipped the early meditations and met this fellow of yours.''
-''Who did you meet?''
-'' He was your apprentice a years ago, he said that he became wiser by repeating single task every day and I found myself in staggering doubt.''
-'' There is a fine line between regret and doubt, when you let one to take over, usually the other will follow. I was not born wise, even now I'am just a dancing leaf in the wind. But there is a beauty in that gentle breeze.
The tree from which we have fallen, we study and respect - the past.
And the undeniable wind which represents the present moment we perceive every time we listen to him then he reveals  us another secret.''
Fragments of mind
20th of November  2016, Šaľa, 2:35
knowing, when to stop;
to lull our desire to sleep
is crucial secret
for eternity

For when it's something overdosed
in a man's face
there is also
lack in a
back of his
deficiency = excess
they become one (true), when equalled
Be empty, yet filled
-''Why are we people always tripping between sad and happy, always complaining about our reality master?''
-"Through my life I've known sadness and happiness, depression, melancholia, envy, anger, passion. These are the results of our desire, which creates our deepest wishes. If we are to understand them, we have to embrace them along the way.We have to experience them. Only after that your mind can be opened. So imagine you have the ability to try all of them at the same time, naturally you would fulfill every possible wish you have, until you would begin to realize that only wish that exists is the ultimate.''
-''So what is the ultimate wish master?''
-''Being right here, my child.''
Fragments of mind
23rd of November, 2016, Šaľa, 17:28
Crowd's clapping
People and children laughing
as if they were savages celebrating
sacrifice for the old gods
Only I remain silent, uninterested
without shape, without attitude
as a newborn
I watch them, lost
Lost as a wanderer
I cannot rest
nor breathe
They all seem to be fullfiled
with redundance
Only I am lost
Lost as a wanderer

Put me out of misery
Empty, my foolish heart
I fell like a lunatic
Poeple of this world are
enlightened by stars and moolight
Only me, darkened by sun
Only I, remain silent
in the darkness
desolate as a desert
abandoned and driven

I can bear that pain
I can let go that anchor
and finally set her free
'cause she listens
if you whisper gently

the very essence of her
will guide me;
only when
my ears are opened
Fragments of mind
8th of January, 20:26, Dominican Republic
I must say
I have many dreams
There is one
close and dear
of mine

to meet her never again
at the end of our lives
to ask her how was life
how was love
and she wouldn't have
to ask me the same;
regardless she gladly
would and without any
at all
and after that
we would just
sit there and watch
here at the end of the world
my pendulum stops

I sit here
finally rested

reflecting on all the reds and blues in life
and I lived it

Lived it in ignorance of this moment
but pulled forward like a moth to a shiny moonlight

I sit here
rested well
I hear you
oh you unstable force
you lady lark

I hear you calling everyday!
it feels like wind caress meadows
like roots hold earth deep

and I don't wanna think twice for you
i just wanna run alongside your hair redolent sheen
summon me to your ankles wide
i will wait
till my eyes turn green
Under the black blanket with the white dots
I know Iam at home
My blood tells me so
As well as staring at the big waters

ancestors in my bones
called me back
and I cannot wait to join them

Keep looking up
an old-fashioned couple sat next to each other
she had a head on his right shoulder*

- I can already feel the warm sand under my palms getting colder
(warm wind nudges their faces as the sun mildly touches the desert)
...and what about you?
- me? I kind a fell in love with this  moment...

he stops talking for a second

Because  I know tomorrow will be the death of me, the death of smiles and cries. the death of all the imperfect symphonies I scratched in a hurry.
Although this time I am not letting myself **** everything around when it happens .
Every single one of them is a pure heart. Which I find one of the very richest of the rich pleasures, that friendship can provide.
//i wouldn't use pleasures. its just i believe in so called 'first write' or 'honest write' when it comes to this type of 'poem'. To keep it really honest. Pure heart is a term, very dear to me.
I'am scared to death
forgive me mother
there is much more
I'am weak
light fades
even in these times
on the leaden streets
during lonely nights
seeing all these weeping hearts
giving cold handshakes
I have a feeling that
there is some power left
that always guides me
and gives me the last rescue
with another chance
to keep on
certainly not one of those, which I'am proud of
Some women come
to a mans life like
boulders of stone and ice
crushing, mashing
shredding our lifes out
and we men
both tiresome and tireless
seem to enjoy it.
First was a light,
so blinding, so raw
rods of steel
blocking his courage
taken his sight!

As he managed
to get away, he felt
suspicious and strangely
unsafe as if calmness
before storm took
over his life

He walked
he walked thru alleys
concrete and cold

There he met a lady,
she offered him a gift
A gift which is to give
a recipient a great relieve

"You would be able to escape
these abandoned walls and roads
full of pain and resentment.
Do not cling on hesitation,
free yourself."

"You are tempting my lady,
however these escapes you
speak of are merely temporary
blinks of a steps I am about to
go through.
I am sure we will meet again
I say farewell for now."

he lowly walked away
how tragic is that sometimes the only way to lure the greatness out of her endless sleep is to torture the soul by life itslelf.
Let us go then, you and I
hand in hand
like a father and child

everything looked so
promising, early
in the day

drops falling on my head
scent of a coffee mixed
with perfume
in the hall

as we approached the world
with chilly winds on
our faces

we offered our heart,
for the heart is truly
all we had- believed in

but heart was too pure,
too foolish to face
the night

after the heart, we
offered mind, mind
started to judge and
turned back on us
.               .                .
day is slowly turning
into the nite, vapors
of reek is all I see
.                .                .
lastly, we desperately
offered our soul

nothing happened

After the countless
suns and moons
reek turned into mist
sand into grass
we into I
chaos into

as I am finally leaving
the chase behind
I feel immeasurably
at peace.
why does it feel so right to
love you, despite all faults
you left on my skin

all the markings
that left me only
only those we cant unsee

thou you brew me crystal clear
and after so little time
my spoiled soul managed to escape

and with that my mind flown kindly
and feet stood soberly like eyes
looked steadfast on my absurd destination..

life isn't just about loving the peaceful mind
life is about appreciating all  
life is also about loving the wicked
especially the wicked
and sometimes..
tread lightly among the curtains of time
that which you cant control, welcome with arms open and make the most tangible
My heart is like a canvas
stinging trident a brush
and the tears are
my colors.

I'am the agent of suffering
The more pain my heart bears
the more I love.

And the moral jeopardy..
YES! the risks will only enlarge it
they will sharpen it gloriously
They are the domain, where
I shine the most.
We people, we lost marauders
violin hearts and deprived minds
what a love and liberty, we are
So please don't fall a sleep mia caro
for I have never did, I couldn't
even in the most sinister thoughts
read me and look at me
as if it was the first time
walk that path
and set the tender free
otherwise we be no more
retina is the only gate
behind her, we're all alone
everything earthly has become somehow unimportant for my mind(even when I respect it still). It is strangly hard to grasp within words what my mind and spirit is longing for but I know that anything tangible within my concsiousness wouldnt quench it.
She used to go down
to a small stream
a place dear to her
she would sit there
and enjoy the loneliness
she would imagine all the joys
come by and suddenly disappear
she would step into the cold stream
splash the sorrow from her heart
she would lie there
her soul at ease
during all seasons
for the rest of her days
You know
we all
nothing but
that fresh breeze
on our faces
that we like
to call

*when the sunset finally withdraws
all I need is the moon rising
as a waves muttered and light
shines upon my bones
I'am free at last
There is an ominous feeling all over your body
Feels like a rain clouds on the other side of the city
As you touch that cold railing near old magazine kiosk, you could almost say that the city is talking to you...
Let's do not waste our potential
realize why
why we are here, what is to become of us
mind your surroundings
that you can connect to everything
the whole universe lies beyond, before
the universe itself is knowable by
our fable brain
plants, therefore oxygen
oxygen, therefore life
life, therefore death
even after
you are still part of this melodrama
and trust me, you were always ready
you are complete and beautiful as ever
be the child in the room
the man, willing to do anything for woman's smile
grandfather who taught you so much
and don't forget to love
that is the answer
there is nothing you can't achieve
I want you to dig a hole into yourself
I want you to go down
Down to the deepest parts
To the forefathers of your secrets
Dig to the
Fears of men
fears like first step in a day
Droughts of hope
droughts as punishing
like cold bed during the night
No flesh will stop you
Once you get there
I want you to stop
cause' down there
you don't want any chaos
just observe, listen and feel
it will remind you of your roots
how you fell from tree asa child
how you planted your first seed in a garden
how you mourned the loss of your dog
how you loved just to lay in bed next to your beloved
Do you feel it?
it will guide you eventually
Don't ask
Of course you are ready
You always have been
You just forgot how to dig
for things you always knew

Start diggin'
It's time.
I have nothing to
take you;
Only things to borrow
But when you'll manage
to find me
it comes with the sorrow
We sit here
at the bottom of
the world

where the dead stars
are being  lulled

i knew this place very well
i used to come here
once in a while

to stare thru tree crowns
while black and blue darkness
enwrapped my brain
with pleasant contentment

stars spoke to me of my depth
where should I lead

down the lonely road I go

just to
remind myself
how top and bottom
are close to themselfs

another lonely road I go

just to have a chance
to look deep in her eyes
so that she knows
I walk only for her.
For my beloved and for my friend that I never had a chance to meet, but always thought we were born close. Both of you inspired me in ways none could.

RIP Gustav

"Look at the sky tonight, all of the stars have a reason
A reason to shine, a reason like mine and I'm fallin' to pieces"
What's more peaceful, than
sitting next to the river
and hear her flowing?

What's more satisfying, than
reading a book that endorses
you the deepest?

What's more heartwarming, than
seeing someone striving for
the better good?

What's more tragic, than
seeing these ones become
How much this strive really cost?
I keep asking, but she keeps paralyzing my thoughts.

She stared at me for the longest until she finally asked
''What was this promise you speak of?''
For the temptation and doubt are wounds
and you never reached her.
you only have to forgive once
to do greatest deed in your life;
the only spark between the oceans
forgive..and let life perform his motions
When I was young boy
I never wanted love
I seeked something more

I wanted a partner
who will join up with me to experience
every stupid thing that life has to offer

We would often think that we ate all the wisdom in world
and then again fail together

Our egoes would crush and deepen
in sorrow times we would share the  light
and in marry times
we would respect the  dark

we would understand that life is far too
short for our mutual feelings to fulfill
that infinite we are not
and our bodies must go

Of death we would think
not always, but from time to time
sharing hands, resting our
old bodies in the living room

In the end we would often go to our long walks
alongside the river and smile and rejoice
because that is the ultimate happiness
knowing we lived together, sharing our virtues
and spreading them into the every situation
give life everything you have, don't hesitate to fall
time is always so abstract when you get to meet up with your people.  People often change but I don't mind.

Most of my days I would meditate through sport learning new things. Then again meditate when Im alone.

She suffered a lot past months. Living the same shortcomings any human has to. But I try to be here for her.

My mind tends to spiral to the same old state, but Im trying my best not to fall in. Been there many times, so it gets pretty tiring lately.

Anyways I should write more…
Horel, horel bledý dom
a spolu snim slovo Martin vňom
búchalo, škriabalo, plakalo…
zomieralo potichu
chcelo zabrániť všetkému tomu
ale list aj tak spadol zo stromu
I have still much to learn

so Im listening
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