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Jul 2014 · 2.4k
The Dragon
Shiv-man Jul 2014
I try to reach to the top but every time i fail
Yet I try over and over again
because every climb brings me closer to my aim.

I wish to reach the summit- as do my fellow mates,
Some of them are strangers
but some of them I know
But in the end you have to climb all alone.

Every climb I learn something new,
Every climb breaks my spirit
but every climbs gets me closer
to The Dragon on the summit.

After countless tries I reach that peak yearned by all
and I see the white Dragon standing tall

The lustrous snow blinds my eyes
and I feel the cold winds blow
through clear blue skies

The dragon stares right into my eyes
and I see that this world is just a web of lies

All these falls and climb were just fiction
and my real self was far beyond the horizon

He shoots a wall of fire at me
that is the last thing I see

It burns my eyes
              my heart
                  my thought
             my soul

I am just ash.
Ash that cannot be burnt again,
Ash that flies in the skies,
Ash that flows with the rivers,
Ash that is free-
The poem is inspired by the hindu/budhist concept of 'moksha'
It is liberation from endless cycle of birth-death and the suffering which comes with it.
It is knowing who you truly are
It is escaping the Matrix forever
Jul 2014 · 663
Shiv-man Jul 2014
I stare at the stars through the murky skies,
like jewels shimmering at the bottom of an endless sea,
their treasures tempt me to take a dive

Their messages sail across the infinite ocean to reach their shores,
they carry the words of a forgotten lore-
the lore of gods, the lore of time,
the story which is yours and mine.

I want you to guide me to the mythical continent on the other side,
I know I can reach there on your cosmic tides.

I know that one day you will answer me and give me a call
because we know that even I am just stardust, after all.
i was just sitting in my balcony and felt a deep connect to the stars above me,because we all are just made of the same mass and energy created at the big bang,we are all the same and will ultimately dissolve into each other.The light emitted by the stars  also intrigues me because the light travels billions of years to reach us.I see them as messengers

— The End —