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 Jul 2017 Ysabel
"Let me hold you", you plead while gathering me slowly in your arms.
You slowly rock me back and forth as if trying to silence those guns.

Little by little your tears fall,
Little by little my shirt began to soil.

Your tears became a sob then a scream without noise
I know I heard you and I believe I did like its my choice

Then you begin to wonder if the sun has risen
but no one knows because everyone has been dead---
Dead from the war
Dead from two countries who love taking po'er.
Dedicated to the people of Syria
 Jul 2017 Ysabel
Once upon a time,
it was you who's chasing me.

Singing your well crafted song,
doing everything just to win me.

Yet things changed when you met them,
in a Reality show where you became famous.

First six months,
I waited for you to knock.

A year gone,
and you made your way out from this town.

Five years after,
I am still staring from afar,
listening to your album,
remembering all,
that once upon a time,
you are mine but not anymore*

(c) ForgottenDiety
For you my love
 Jul 2017 Ysabel
Find me in between letters and skies.
Fill me with your sweet words and lies.
Ask me anything except those lines.
Because I know that we both know you're not mine.*

Love is all around
 Jul 2017 Ysabel
I wanted to tell you how much I feel,
but I can't.

I wanted to ask you how you've been,
but I can't.

I wanted to talk to you how I badly miss you,
but I can't.

I wanted to feel your embrace before I go to bed,
but I can't.

I can't.
I won't.
I will never can.
Because you're not here anymore
and I wanted to say can this lifetime be enough?*

(c) ForgottenDiety
 Jul 2017 Ysabel
Can you feel it?
Im longing for you

Can't you hear it?
Im calling you

Can't you see it?
It's you whom I want

I long for your warmth,
Im calling your name at night
'Coz it's you whom I waited for years,
But you're not interested, it seems*

I miss talking to someone and listening
I miss taking care of someone and being taken cared of
I miss the feeling of loving someone
'coz  im afraid i might forget how to love soon
 Jul 2017 Ysabel
To the person who've been through battles,
Know that not everyone are destined to burn,
You are born to withstand the fire,
So keep throwing woods.*

(c) ForgottenDiety
 Jun 2017 Ysabel
You are no longer bound to your past,
or to anything or anyone that made you cry.

You are no longer bound to your mistakes,
to your actions or to the way you speak.

You are no longer bound to ask forgiveness,
or to seek approval or ask chances.

Remember that you are bound for greater things:
for travel trips, good education and more than flings.

You are bound to live a life that lights others.
You are bound to share your dreams and aspirations.

So get out now from your cave,
because you my little angel is what the world need.

Just breathe and be free
Let's fight depression together!
 Apr 2017 Ysabel
If only I can re-write our story,
I would repeat those times that we kiss
under the moonlight, under the rain,
It's everything that I miss.*

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