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1.9k · Dec 2014
So you see..
Appointed Dec 2014
I just write it
as it is spoken.
A Divine Voice
created matter,
space, and time.

God's wisdom is not speechless
because you choose not to hear.
A belief of senses, does that matter?

I see it now
Her and I
Perfect in God sight
Like male and female
On the six day of creation

Love is not known
Just perfection
Never mind
The unsuspected
Elohim said "not to eat"
Of the tree
of knowledge
of good and evil

A simple taste
would open their eyes
to a perspective that
will change their minds

What they believe now
is only a soul desires
of the gateways into
their eyes.
Is so simple not to be
But difficult just to be
866 · Mar 2014
Mesmerized by lies
Appointed Mar 2014
Must these eyes cry,
for feels that were made by lies.
Actions showed other wise,
just to imply the lies.
Do not be fool by a fool'
716 · Dec 2014
Just another guy..
Appointed Dec 2014
I do not understand
how my mind desires
to hear your voice audible.
I understand words could
change a mood but a voice
could soothe a soul. I am
know different then any
other guy. Give it some
time, I will be no longer on
your mind. I do not want
to be just another guy.
There is no she
Or me..
578 · Dec 2014
Spiritual beings.. 10W
Appointed Dec 2014
Like to love
Blind eyes
shall soon
542 · Apr 2015
A lover to the loveless
Appointed Apr 2015
This flesh desires
a love so pure
having never had
a preconceived idea
not know where or
how it would appear

Thoughts not of how
a mind maybe blown  
by the touch of a love
less of us in motion
there is no need for
a love notion

Where expressive musing
is not need to be express
expectations of what the
opposition is not to neglect
the two differences of love
Love is not seen
Love is not felt
Love has no smell
Love has no taste
Love is being
509 · Dec 2014
Take them..
Appointed Dec 2014
These words
are yours for the taking
my thoughts are not mine
you could have them
To copyright them
would make me a thief
Christ's mind is free, so
freely I give the copyrights
too you..
Please except my gift to you.
Merry Christmas..
493 · Dec 2014
Apologize to reality
Appointed Dec 2014
I thought it be a dream
A deep sleep of unbelief
It's all so real, it seemed to be
From what I heard and have thought
has brought me to believe
this reality was not created for me.
What do you believe reality is?
429 · Apr 2014
Living On Earth
Appointed Apr 2014
I have been on earth for twenty-three short years
There is a purpose for my being here.  
I have been told some plans
Great plans to impact generations

Not a dream, just a vision; this must be my mission.

Christ could not lie
The Holy Spirit would not miss guide
God does not create lies

",Seek not with your eyes, they may be blind  
Hearts will blink as you continue to seek.,"

Prayer is always on the mind
Pain is all around
It is not mine
Lost; already found

The understanding is about
Comprehension of the Light
Is more than just all rights

Morals are gone
What is right, is wrong
What is wrong, is right

Evil in thy eye
Is justified by thy mind

Good was done
Then evil has come

Christ did die
Risen again to life

He is a Rock of salvation
For those who thirst for living water
My mission must be His vision
416 · Dec 2014
Love in 10words
Appointed Dec 2014
Three nails
Gods Son
Hang on
A tree:
Is Love
347 · Mar 2014
Appointed Mar 2014
The man I want to be, is the man I need to be.'
He who created me is who I need to be' like Christ '
For the "good" in me, for those around me, and
those who need more of Christ.

God made you form Him

My purpose is not mine
It is from Him
By Him
For Him.

It is all for Christ
A mind of Him
He is my vision
God gave me the eyes to see.
Jesus speaking
"So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you."
Luke 11:9

— The End —