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 Nov 2014 Serenity Elliot
I saw you tapping moon for moonshine
And sipping straws straight from the sun
Tell me little star, if I was just dreaming
A far fetched familiar *smile
mature man
holding his nose
to life
desires young woman
is indifferent to
and longs for those
before umbrellas
‘My mother told me never to play with fire.’
My eyes looked into his eyes
and darted away just as fast.
His blue eyes however,
never left my direction
and I was getting a little shy.

‘Oh really. Not even like this?’
His lightly brushed my right arm
and that was when I felt the first spark.

It took little time for the spark to grow
and it spread like a hail fire,
burning every single thing in the way.

The spark in my heart was hotter
than the flames
or the fire
and the smokes suffocated my lungs.

Like all fires,
it got out of control
it left scars that
never healed
and haunted me
every time I thought
I felt a spark.

My mother told me never to play with her
but she didn’t warn me
about the sparks I feel in my heart.
idk why this was so hard to write
 Oct 2014 Serenity Elliot
 Oct 2014 Serenity Elliot
rosetta spoke like a lucent pharaoh;
deciphering decree's decadence
into bronze skin heiroglypics

a body like a mastaba - corchis lips locked
with burnt up flesh remains
and worms and umber sand
mixed in nectar drank from ancient artifacts
she **** beetles and they drink my blood

we find ourselves
stored inside casks for eternity
 Oct 2014 Serenity Elliot
rip tide, salty spray
sunset, deserted shoreline
clothes, neatly folded
When She looked at him,
He was busy trying to make sense of the world.
And when He finally freed himself from his chains and searched for Her,
She was gone.
A silent whisper in the treacherous night,
Lost forever among the stars.
It all depends on timing.
I wish everything turns out right :)
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