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RC Dec 2015
Windy day meets hurricane

Open book meets barricade

Line of fire meets up in smoke

Solid faith meets blind hope
RC Nov 2015
By losing him I found more of myself in the process.
RC Jul 2015
I'll always miss you no matter where I am
no matter who I'm turning out to be
or with whom I stand
There's ghosts of my body your hands will always remember;
remaining impressions you left on my heart
as you became a man.
so much can change in a couple of hours
RC Jul 2015
You're sleeping downstairs on the couch
and I'm cursing at myself at 3:23 am
promising to set an alarm every hour until ten in the morning
so I can catch you on your way out
i love you
RC Jul 2015
4 months:
He's the most constant rendition of regulation I've ever allowed myself to recognize
With the eyes and soul to chastise a girl and leave her wanting more
The sort of cliche we're warned to ignore
but fall in love with anyways
while he's searching for the best parts of us
in the worst ways.

6 months:
I elude the sun
just to follow stormy days
losing track of how long I've been gone
or if there was a reason I decided to stay
But the same cliche who is holding my heart
is the only one waiting on the other side
As he looks away from my scars
he breathes, "Just you and I."
For the first time
I can't leave.

8 months:
Months deep, promises thick
he's half expecting me to stray
Disregarding my words
he hands over fistfuls of unresolved hurt
and swears he wants me to stay
But these days I'm so used to the silence of his car
playing back the situation
wondering if or when I went too far explaining my pain
The blame weighs heavy on our shoulders for the next few days
I don't believe in a god anymore
but I remember how to pray
and tonight I'll pray he'll not only hear
but listen to the things I say
RC Jun 2015
"Stand up straight; you said you're used to being alone."
Used to smiling when I'm burning myself down and calling the ashes my  home.
These days I sit on a throne of broken bones and empty words
passing the time to ignore the hurt.

"The bed you've made is all in your head. It's too late for you to wake up, what little hope you had is dead."
I don't need you to tell me what was left is now gone.
I'm the one who lit the fire
I'm the one who has to pay for each and every flammable wrong.
RC Jun 2015
We are all the leftover misfits people had promised to make room for but never did. We are all the scribbles the doodler swore to make art out of someday, but were never given the chance; the ugly friend, the childhood scar housing reminiscent places, familiar feelings. And somehow amongst the muck and the **** people tend to label as having friends we pulled through with the title, 'there' for them. There. Funny, how one word can invoke such feelings of those who remember what that word actually means when you speak with intent on your tongue. There.

How we were 'there' for them; dealing with their choices, while they're looking for security in a storm, when there's rain flooding the highest peaks of our reticence.

We are there. Somehow we found each other. In this weird **** world we all managed to uniquely fit the structures of what we called love into the base of what we knew.  And our laughs broke the deepest silences, our voices chimed past the furthest room, and our judgments didn't exist because we were the best parts of the few.
google chrome, best spell check of the internet.
I made a rant. This feels too personal, like the note part. Poetry websites.. And done.
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